Feature Articlespet news

DECEMBER 9, 2015

Biking with your dog

When you think about the activities that you can do with your dog, your list might look like this: walk, run, play fetch. With such a short list, you probably cycle through these pretty quickly. Why not shake things up a bit and introduce your dog to something new? Spring and summer are wonderful times to ride your bike and the best part is that your dog can come with you. It's the perfect way to bond and reconnect with your pooch and enjoy that fresh spring air together.

Pet of the Week: Pretzel


He required no makeup – probably untrue

james k whiteIt is improbable you own a gold coin larger than the one recently produced in Australia. This particular golden round weighs 2,231 pounds. It measures 31 inches in diameter and is 4.7 inches thick. The coin is certified to be 99.99 percent pure gold. I understand Australia has no plans to place the “Gold Kangaroo” in circulation since it is likely only attorneys and well-heeled potentates could “make change” for such currency.