NOVEMBER 25, 2015
Local Girl Scouts earn horse badge with help from community
Hundreds of local Girl Scouts are earning their Horse Badge with the help of some amazing community partners! Girl Scout volunteer Katie La Touf spearheaded the program, which has quickly grown into a beloved Girl Scout program.
Triple R Horse Rescue, a shelter that rescues in-need horses, and Spur Cross Stables have come together to provide girls this incredible opportunity. Triple R Hose Rescue volunteers will be teaching girls about horse safety, anatomy, tack and grooming. Following the lesson, girls will hit the trails on their own thanks to Spur Cross Stables!
The program is made possible by the generous donation of time from Triple R Horse Rescue volunteers and Spur Cross Stables, who have provided a discounted rate for Girl Scouts.
The program ran for the first four weekends of November.