Guest Editorial
By Lawrence Sellin, PhD | NOVEMBER 18, 2015
Soviet spy’s dire warnings 30 years ago come true in Obama's America
Subversion as a strategy used against one's adversaries is not new. Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher Sun Tzu wrote over 2,500 years ago:
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
In a 1985 interview, former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov described the techniques of ideological subversion (short video below and full text), that were used to undermine American values, traditions and institutions to the extent that the people will be unable or unwilling to resist takeover by the totalitarian ideology of communism; methods adopted and now being employed against the United States by the supporters of radical Islam.
According to Bezmenov:
"What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.
It's a great brainwashing process, which goes very slow[ly] and is divided [into] four basic stages. The first one [is] demoralization; it takes from 15-20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which [is required] to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the enemy. In other words, Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged, or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism (American patriotism).
The result? The result you can see. Most of the people who graduated in the sixties (drop-outs or half-baked intellectuals) are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, [and the] educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated; they are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind[s], even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior. In other words, these people... the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To [rid] society of these people, you need another twenty or fifteen years to educate a new generation of patriotically-minded and common sense people, who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society.
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his... then he will understand. But not before that. That's the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization."
Consider what Bezmenov described in 1985 and the Islamic indoctrination currently underway in our educational system; and Islamic law, Sharia, being slowly introduced into our legal system and culture by anti-Americans and the useful idiots, who will be the very people marked for extermination under a new totalitarian regime, as described by Bezmenov:
"Most of them [would be exterminated], yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in [the] future what the beautiful society of ‘equality' and ‘social justice' means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy, frustrated people, and the Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously they will join the leagues of dissenters (dissidents).
Unlike in [the] present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. Here you can get popular and filthy-rich like Jane Fonda for being ‘dissident,' for criticizing your Pentagon. In [the] future these people will be simply squashed like cockroaches. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful, noble ideas of equality. This they don't understand and it will be [the] greatest shock for them, of course."
Bezmenov describes the final stages of ideological subversion:
"The next stage is destabilization -and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation-what matters [are] essentials: economy, foreign relations, [and] defense systems...The next stage, of course, is crisis. It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis... And, after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have [the so-called] period of normalization. It may last indefinitely. Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in ‘68, Comrade Brezhnev said, ‘Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized.'"
"This is what will happen in [the] United States if you allow all these schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kind[s] of goodies and the paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put [a] Big Brother government in Washington, D.C."
In these times, when the United States is under assault both at home and abroad by the totalitarian ideologies of radical Islam and the political left, Bezmenov's sage advice still rings true, such advice that President Ronald Reagan understood and took to the fight against Soviet aggression and why we eventually won the Cold War:
"Educate yourself, [and] understand what's going on around you. You are not living at [a] time of peace. You are in a state of war and you have precious little time to save yourself."
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin is the author of "Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution." He receives email at [email protected]