don sorchychMy View


CCUSD • G. Russell Chambers •Wild West Days

Wonderful news! CCUSD voters rejected their pocket picking routine for fund raising. We are in the process of investigating the PAC that funded it and the people involved. Stay tuned!

Guest Editorials:


Society’s loss of respect

Not long ago, I had a lengthy conversation with a state trooper. He was eating lunch with my wife and I and he had some interesting things to say.

In spite of my clever efforts to reveal his name he chose not to divulge it, nor did he want to go on the record or be quoted - He jokingly reiterated that several times.


It's war! Real women vs. dudes in skirts

How’s this for a sign of the times? Glamour Magazine has now confirmed that it plans to award a man its highly coveted (or not so much) “Woman of the Year” award. While explaining this, er, groundbreaking decision, Glamour’s editor-in-chief, Cindi Leive, said, “There are so many different types of women in this world. We aren’t taking away from one by honoring another.” The newest “type of women,” as luck would have it for dudes in skirts everywhere, is, evidently, men. Referencing Bruce Jenner, the award’s intended recipient, Leive told, “She [sic] identifies as a woman, period.”

By Richard Manning NOVEMBER 11, 2015

Beware America, President Obama has put politics into your pensions

The federal government is going to allow retirement investments to be subjected to politically correct funny business due to a new guidance issued by the U.S. Labor Department that puts the government’s thumb on the scale in favor of so-called “socially responsible” investments.

Prior to the Obama administration action, these politically correct investment vehicles needed to match their peers by meeting the same fiduciary standards in order to qualify for inclusion in a 401(k) or pension plan.  In fact, in previous guidance offered the financial services industry, the Labor Department flatly stated that the occurrence of these funds in a qualified pension plan should be “rare.”

By Capt. Joseph R. John NOVEMBER 11, 2015

President Ronald Reagan had a strong Christian faith

The current occupant in the oval office has been hostile toward Christians in the military

“The First Amendment was not written to protect people and their laws from religious values, it was written to protect those values from government tyranny.” ~ Ronald Reagan

For 239 years, every Commander-in-Chief protected the Religious Freedom and Speech of members of the US Armed Forces and the profound religious beliefs of Chaplains, guaranteed to every American by the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights.