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October 7 - 13, 2015


For All Signs: Mercury, ancient god of communications, turns direct once again on Friday, Oct. 9. As this planet begins to regain its normal speed, it will be easier to move ahead with plans that have been pending for one reason or another for several weeks. Have patience with the flurry of phone calls and changed appointments that always accompany Mercury’s shift in directions. Decisions are also subject to change, so if you experienced a disappointment in the last 3 weeks you might want to give it one more try after the 9th. The after-shadow period is complete on Oct. 24. After that the old issues are resolved fully or left in the dust so we can proceed forward.

Aries: New experiences are brought to you by others in your world. Even if a change was not in your conscious awareness, it is needed for your personal growth, or it would not be happening. Do not play the blame game here. It is possible that you overstepped your boundaries and now someone is pushing back.

Taurus: The next two weeks will be challenging to your relationships and maybe your investments. You may be perceiving yourself as selfless or the Other as “too good to be true”. Add a touch of realism here, and you will be more accurate and better balanced.

Gemini: Mercury, your ruling planet, has graced your 5th house of children, personal creativity, and romances since Aug. 27. It is possible that one or more of these areas has been “on hold” for the past month. Your attention will be focused in these areas through October and the slowed motion will begin to move forward.

Cancer: Give special attention to unusual messages or to new people who enter your life during this time. A “teacher” crosses your path in the form of a person, a book, or the right message that will steer you in the next favorable direction. (You may have heard this message before, but this time you are listening.)

Leo: It is probable that others in your life may be erratic. Partner(s), clientele, good friends, and even professionals may be far less reliable than you would like. If this has already started, then do your best to choose activities that depend only upon yourself for a short while.

Virgo: Financial matters will be clearing up soon as Mercury goes direct in the house of resources and money. In another arena, you need closeness and as you reach out, the “other” just seems to evaporate or evade you. This is truly disappointing. You have necessary repairs on your home or family that become apparent. It is time.

Libra: Mercury has been traveling in your sign since Aug. 27. It has caused you to reflect deeply on your next direction. Now that it is turning direct, you feel more capable of making decisions and moving forward. You’ll be cautious at first, but your moves will pick up steam soon.

Scorpio: At last! The Sun shines through and there is a breakthrough of the clouds in your life. You may become the leader in a project that will be good for many. This is a time in which you may realize that your struggles have been worth the effort. Positive experiences and increased resource supply comes to you via friends and associates, including the community at large.

Sagittarius: Necessary expenses (those not of the “fun” type) may develop this week. If not that, you could be just having a little blue mood. It is one of those times when we operate better in solitude. This is an existential dilemma that everyone encounters now and then. It will pass quickly.

Capricorn: You may be the fortunate recipient of laws or edicts that operate in your favor without your bidding. (Example: You own a business and the city closes down another street, forcing traffic to your site.) Dealing with those at a distance through travel or use of the Internet produces positive results. Don’t allow minor aggravations to create a blue mood.

Aquarius: You may have financial concerns related to investments. Contacting friends and associates in distant places will open new doors. Meanwhile your ability to concentrate upon projects that require management of details is strong. Organizing files, closets and cabinets will clear the clutter from your mind.

Pisces: Beware of any martyr like thoughts in relation to your partner(s). You could be seeing yourself as all-giving, all-loving. No one is really like that. Give what you are willing to give because you love the Other. Don’t do it so that someone will see your actions and think you are wonderful. Then whatever the outcome, you won’t resent it.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: