september 30, 2015
Scottsdale Special Bond Election
Special Bond Election informational pamphlets begin arriving in mailboxes next week
Scottsdale voters will go to the polls Nov. 3 to consider a variety of bond-funded civic improvements totaling nearly $100 million.
The informational pamphlets for the Nov. 3 election, listing all the bond projects and arguments “for” or “against” the bond questions, will begin arriving in Scottsdale voters’ mailboxes next week, Sept. 28-Oct. 2.
A number of key dates occur in October pertaining to the Scottsdale Special Election. They include:
Oct. 5 is the last day to register to vote in the election
Oct. 7 is when early ballots are mailed
Oct. 23 is the last day to request to receive an early ballot in the mail
Oct. 30 is the last day to cast an early ballot at an early voting site
Scottsdale’s Nov. 3 Special Election asks voters to consider approval of bonds for parks and community facilities; transportation; citywide technology; street pavement replacement; public safety-fire; and public safety-police in the principal amount not to exceed $95,960,000.
The estimated average annual tax rate for the proposed bond authorization is $0.11 per $100 of net assessed valuation used for secondary property tax purposes.
For more information on Scottsdale’s Special Election, go to the city’s home page at and search “elections.”