My View
BY DON SORCHYCH | august 19, 2015
Cave Creek news and future
The Wednesday, August 12, Cave Creek special council meeting importantly ruled on settlement of the long standing lawsuit of now ex-Town Manager Usama Abujbarah against the town of Cave Creek and a separate lawsuit, in federal court against the town and recalled Vice Mayor Adam Trenk.
Guest Editorials:
By Tom Davenport | aUGUST 19, 2015
Thoughts from Chairman Tom
Soon to be published in a little red book to be carried by the faithful.
By Rich Matrisciano | aUGUST 19, 2015
The great puppet master pulling the strings of anarchy
TPATH – Do you wonder why so many “peaceful” protests end up in violence? One year after police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed a black teen in Furguson, MO, violence, in the form of shots aimed at police, again erupted during a memorial protest. Last year the Justice Department, no friend of police, confirmed Michael Brown resisted arrest and attacked Officer Wilson.
By Lawrence Sellin, PhD | aUGUST 19, 2015
How Obama and Hillary made the Arab world safe for radical Islam
Far from being "spontaneous" and "indigenous," the uprisings known as the "Arab Spring" that swept North Africa and the Middle East were long planned and planned from abroad with the Muslim Brotherhood's role hidden in plain sight.
By Robert T. Smith | aUGUST 19, 2015
Defining the waters of the United States – Déjà vu all over again?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers have released their final rule defining what they believe constitutes “waters of the United States.” This effort, in their own terms, is to provide clarity on what constitutes waters of the United States, and to protect streams and wetlands that we depend on for our health, communities, and economy.
By Tony Perkins, President FRC | aUGUST 19, 2015
Why the Supreme Court's marriage ruling is not "The End"
Help stop discrimination against our Christian values
"Finished." "Settled." "It's over." These are the pronouncements I'm hearing since five of the nine justices on the Supreme Court caved in to the radical homosexual-rights propaganda machine in its ruling on same-sex marriage.
By Rick Manning | aUGUST 19, 2015
EPA's Gina McCarthy should be fired for Western waterway mess
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy's career of administrative neglect, malfeasance and outright incompetence has been capped by her Agency unleashing one of the worst environmental disasters of the 21st century. EPA clean-up crews breached a waste storage dam that produced a torrent of heavy metal-laden toxic waste, potentially fouling an entire western river system and impacting the drinking water of tens of millions of people.