AUGUST 5, 2015
Donald Trump’s presidential field
Donald Trump holds a staggering 2 to 1 advantage over his closest opponent in Arizona
PHOENIX — MBQF, a public affairs and consulting firm, announced results of a recent survey dealing with the top ten GOP candidates for President of the United States of America.
The results from the survey show high efficacy primary Republican voters across Arizona represented by likely 2016 turnout models.
In the most recent automated telephonic survey of 758 high efficacy primary republican voters, conducted on July 29, 2015, the survey calculates a 3.56 percent theoretical margin of error, plus or minus in percentage points, 95 percent of the time.
The exact question was phrased, “If the election were held today for the Republican primary for President of the United States, which of the following top 10 candidates, listed in alphabetical order by last name, would you be most likely to vote for?”
AZ GOP Presidential Primary 2016
July 29, 2015 Results
Jeb Bush 12.1%
Ben Carson 8.7%
Chris Christie 1.7%
Ted Cruz 6.0%
Mike Huckabee 3.9%
Rand Paul 1.7%
Rick Perry 2.0%
Marco Rubio 3.9%
Donald Trump 26.5%
Scott Walker 12.6%
Unsure/Undecided 21%
Michael Noble, consultant and pollster, issued the following statement, “With the crowded field of GOP presidential candidates jockeying for the top 10 positions to be in the first upcoming presidential debate momentum is crucial. According to likely Arizona GOP voters Donald Trump is by far and away the candidate that most resonates, in which he also polled at a 61.3 percent favorability rating.”