My View

don sorchychBY DON SORCHYCH   |  jULY 22, 2015

Trump still a good guy

Even though the national election isn’t until November of next year there will be much news about it. The early acceptance of Donald Trump by many is a good sign. Somehow the low information voters need to be defeated by aggressive and truthful exposure of the current politics in Washington. Hope springs that the current 35 states which seek a Convention of States will be joined by three more states for the requisite 38 states needed.

Boombox by Dixon Diaz

boom box cartoon

Guest Editorials:

By RUSSELL PEARCE   |  JULY 22, 2015

Promises made need to be kept

Sign the petition:

The cost for our failure to enforce our laws and control the border is huge: 68,000 criminal aliens released from ICE detention. Many were in custody for very serious and violent crimes and yet released back out onto U.S. streets to commit more crime. Over 122 of them after release and with deportation orders were rearrested for MURDER. Obama personally responsible.

By Alan Korwin   |  JULY 22, 2015

Holy Matrimony Batman!

Solving the marriage equation is easy – it resolves itself when you simply use the proper term: holy matrimony.

All indications suggest the U.S. Supreme Court is likely to miss this connection in its decision due any day now. (They did.)

By Robert Romano   |  JULY 22, 2015

Obama finalizes racist plan to redraw your neighborhood

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has finalized its "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" rule that empowers the government to condition eligibility for community development block grants on redrawing zoning maps to achieve racial and income integration by building high-density, low-income housing in middle-class neighborhoods.

By Lawrence Sellin, PhD   |  JULY 22, 2015

Truth is an existential threat to the U.S. government

The United States is not a constitutional republic. It is an oligarchy controlled by wealthy financiers who hire politicians to pass legislation beneficial to them and employ journalists to keep the citizens ignorant and compliant.