july 22, 2015
Abraham Lincoln’s signed photograph, Bat Masterson’s 1882 Colt revolver are among items to be auctioned July 30 & Aug. 2
Public invited Wed. night, July 29, to “Forgers’ Secrets Revealed: Watch Experts Create a Fake Painting” featuring CNBC Treasure Detectives co-stars Curtis Dowling and Andy Smith
july 22, 2015
Arizona Commission on the Arts awards grant to Foothills Academy Elementary School in Cave Creek
PHOENIX – On July 1, 2015, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, an agency of the State of Arizona, announced 222 grants to Arizona nonprofit arts organizations, local arts agencies, schools and community organizations in the categories of Community Investment, Arts Learning and Festival Grants. In total, $1,208,717 was invested through the competitive grant review process for fiscal year 2016 (July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016). Foothills Academy Elementary School in Cave Creek is among this year’s grantees.
july 22, 2015
Every two seconds someone needs blood: Red Cross urges blood donations
PHOENIX – The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give blood in August and help meet the constant need for blood products by patients. Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
july 22, 2015
Scottsdale DAR chapter supports community celebrations
Scottsdale-chartered Grand Canyon Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has engaged in civic activities throughout the state to bring focus to the society’s “Celebrate America!” initiative.
july 22, 2015
Enrichment comes in many different shapes, sizes and smells!
Enrichment is an important part of a wild animal's life in captivity. It keeps their mind stimulated and active in an otherwise "routine" setting. Our hope is to always provide many different enrichment opportunities to all of our animals so that they stay active, healthy, and happy! Sometimes, enrichment can be as simple as different scents. Bobcats are a huge fan of smelling different things! And not unlike domestic cats, they love catnip! Thanks to one of our thoughtful neighbors, Charlotte Thomas, our cats of Southwest Wildlife always have a fresh supply of catnip!
july 22, 2015
Lowell Observatory shares thrill of Pluto discovery
PHOENIX – In celebration of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft exploration and the 85th anniversary of Pluto’s discovery, Lowell Observatory has posted a collection in the Arizona Memory Project, an online program of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records. The collection, “Year of Pluto,” includes letters, calculations, photographs and documents that illustrate the history of the search for Pluto, its discovery, and the subsequent public excitement and fascination.