JULY 15, 2015

North Valley Symphony Orchestra announces youth orchestra audition dates

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north valley youth orchestra North Valley Symphony Orchestra Youth Orchestra, directed by Kevin Kozacek

North Valley Symphony Orchestra (NVSO) is pleased to announce the youth orchestra audition dates for the upcoming 2015-16 season. NVSO has two orchestras for youth: NVSO Youth Orchestra, and NVSO Symphonettes.

NVSO Youth Orchestra focuses on providing a year round district honor orchestra level experience. Highly skilled Youth Orchestra members are also given the opportunity to audition for the Adult Orchestra. The auditions for NVSO Youth Orchestra will be at the North Phoenix Chamber of Commerce offices (3141 E. Beardsley Rd., Unit 120, Phoenix, AZ 85050),
Saturdays, Aug. 8, Aug. 15, and Aug. 22, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. NVSO Youth Orchestra rehearsals will be held on Mondays, beginning Aug. 24, 5 – 6:30 p.m. at North Canyon High School Band Room. Audition materials and information can be accessed and downloaded at www.northvallleysymphony.org/youth-orchestra.

Please contact Music Director, Kevin Kozacek, to schedule your audition: [email protected] , or call 623-980-4628.

NVSO Symphonettes provide beginning to intermediate string players with an ensemble experience, and does not require an audition. The NVSO Symphonettes will begin their rehearsals Sept. 21, also Mondays 5 – 6:30 p.m. at North Canyon High School Choir Room.