My View

don sorchychBY DON SORCHYCH   |  jULY 8, 2015

Is America doomed?

I hope you read Linda Bentley’s epistle titled “Muslim Brotherhood and Communist plans for America.” It is factual research and should scare the pants off every American.

Boombox by Dixon Diaz

boom box cartoon

Guest Editorials:

By MATT BARBER  |  JULY 8, 2015

'Gay marriage' ruling: Evil with a silver lining

Well, that was predictable. With its majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, five judicial imperialists perched high atop the U.S. Supreme Court bench called the Supreme Being a liar. They presumed to invent, out of thin air and through judicial fiat, a “constitutional right” to sin-based “gay marriage.” (Father God, as you exact Your perfect justice on America, please have mercy upon Your faithful.)

By TPATH Contributor Mr. Rich Matrisciano  |  JULY 8, 2015

Redistribution equals socialism 1.01

TPATH – For years conservatives in America have been trying to awaken the rest of the nation to a socialist takeover of our government. It started with the secular progressives systematically brainwashing the “useful idiots,” a term coined in Russia to describe those blindly following leaders who want to enslave them.

TPATH Contributor Ms. RoseAnn Salanitri  |  JULY 8, 2015

Anarchy and Apathy: Evil Twins

TPATH ~ Many recognize that the character and nature of the country we love is breathing its last breath.  A good argument can be made that the despotic twins of anarchy and apathy lie at the root of its demise.

BY Frosty Wooldridge  |  JULY 8, 2015

Immigration Shutdown Now! Oil Cceated a 100 Yyar window rhat’s closing

Part 13: Everything America and Western countries runs on one non-renewable resource: oil

If you read the first 12 parts of this series, you may be depressed, feel great despair and even hopelessness.  The harsh facts that I expose in this series equate to a very hard pill to swallow.