JULY 8, 2015
Motorists reminded to avoid flooded washes this monsoon season
Monsoon season is here and storms are expected. Motorists are reminded not to cross flooded washes – even when there are no signs in place – to avoid potential danger. Control of a vehicle is lost in 6 inches of water. Most vehicles will begin to float in 2 feet of water.
Motorists who drive around barricades to enter a flooded stretch of roadway may be charged for the cost of their rescue as part of the Stupid Motorist Law.
In Scottsdale, it is easy to anticipate most areas where crossing will be limited in rains. Flooding Ahead signs are to be placed at the listed locations ahead of any major storm, when forecasts and time allows.
For Monsoon Safety Tips, visit www.scottsdaleaz.gov/emergencies/monsoon.
District III Wet Water Crossings
North / South Streets – Scottsdale Road
Princess DR /Chauncey WY
NB at “Princess DR” intersection ahead sign
SB at north entrance/exit into automobile dealerships
Deer Valley RD
NB at “Watch for Water on Road” sign
SB at Deer Valley RD, north side
Adobe DR
NB at Deer Valley RD
SB at Adobe “T” intersection sign
Williams RD
NB at ATKO business (22357 N)
SB at “Williams RD” intersection ahead sign
Pinnacle Vista DR
NB at Redbird
SB at Pinnacle Vista
Dynamite RD
NB at “Dynamite RD” intersection ahead sign
SB at Mark LN (desert road)
29,000N, Via Dona, Lee LN and BOB White
NB at Dale NEC
SB at Morning Vista
Dixileta, Mary Sharon and Davis
NB at Morning Vista DR
SB at Montgomery LN and
SB at “Dixileta” intersection ahead sign
Lone Mountain
NB at entrance to AJ’s Plaza
SB 200 yards north of intersection
Ashler Hills and Dove Valley
NB at SEC of Lone Mountain and
NB 200 yards north of Lone Mountain on crest prior to large wash and
NB at NEC of Ashler Hills on sidewalk
SB at Dove Valley and
SB at Ashler Hills NWC
North / South Streets – Pima Road
Los Gatos
NB 200 yards south of “Los Gatos” intersection ahead sign and
NB at Los Gatos
SB at Country Club Trail (private drive west side of road)
Pinnacle Peak
NB 50 yards south of intersection adjacent to storm drain
SB at “Pinnacle Peak RD” intersection ahead sign
Dynamite BLVD
NB there is a “27400” sign on east curb. Sign placement to be north of here at “50 MPH” sign
SB 150 yards south of Dynamite opposite “Dynamite BLVD” intersection ahead sign visible on east curb
Lone Mountain to Westland
NB at Whisper Rock RD
SB at Westland SWC
Black Mountain
NB at Westland NEC
SB at “Black Mountain” and “T” intersection ahead signs
North / South Streets – Alma School RD
Pinnacle Peak DRIVE
SB only at Jomax RD
East / West Streets – All
Hayden at Frank Lloyd Wright
Signage west of intersection in front of golf store
Pinnacle Peak Rd west of Miller RD
WB at 84th PL and
WB at 82nd ST and
WB at Hayden RD
EB at 77th WY and
EB at Williams RD and
EB at 82nd ST
Happy Valley RD
Between 77th ST and Hayden RD
WB at “Hayden RD” intersection ahead sign
EB at Miller RD
8100 Block
WB at Roping RD
EB at Hayden RD
8600 Block
WB at 87th ST
EB 100 yards east of 84th ST
Rio Verde
13100 to 13600 Block
WB at 136th ST
EB at 128th ST
Lone Mountain
7500 to 7600 Block
WB at 76th ST
EB 50 yards west of Whisper Rock
Hayden RD
WB 100 yards east of Hayden RD (near 8024)
EB 125 yards west of Hayden RD on hillcrest
Black Cross RD
100 yards from intersection both directions
8200 Block
WB at Granite Reef RD
EB 150 yards east of Black Cross RD
6200, 6745 and 7000 Carefree HWY
WB just west of Scottsdale RD at “Flash Flood Area” sign and
WB at Arroyo RD
EB at 60th ST and
EB at Ridgeway DR
District II Wet Water Crossings
Streets from North to South
McCormick PKWY between 78th ST and Camello Del Norte
Indian Bend RD between Hayden RD and 78th ST
Starlight between Hayden RD and 78th ST
Jackrabbit RD between Hayden RD and 78th ST
Pecos RD at Hayden RD
Medlock between Hayden RD and 78th ST
District I Wet Water Crossings
Streets from North to South
Osborn RD between Hayden RD and Miller RD
Murray LN between Miller RD and 77th ST
Roosevelt between 87th ST and Miller RD