June 17 – 23, 2015

For All Signs: The horoscope of an individual is essentially a circular diagram of our sun with its rotating planets, drawn for the time and date of birth and taken from the point of view of the birthplace. The positions of the sun, moon and each of the planets in the solar system is mathematically calculated and placed around the wheel according to its precise position just as a map is drawn. This map of one's birth offers images that tell the story of our history, character development, early life conflicts, natural gifts and what we offer the world in which we live. An individually drawn horoscope is far more informative than a newspaper column in describing who we really came into the world to be.
Note that on June 26th Mercury returns to the original position of its recent retrograde, effectively closing that cycle. Many recent disturbances will return to normal.
Aries: Your ruling planet (or avatar) Mars, moves into Cancer today, June 24. Your focus shifts at this time to matters of home, property, and family. Through the next 7 weeks you may be handling heavy work around your home, and/or making repairs. This is an accident prone sector for you. Use caution.
Taurus: You are in an especially cordial frame of mind at this time, and likely to invite people to your home, or to share whatever you have to offer. Your spirits are high and you have a need to be social. You are interested in whatever feels luxurious, looks beautiful, or tickles the senses. Going overboard would be all too easy!
Gemini: You are experiencing a major change in the areas of shared resources, investments, alimony, or inheritance. At this time you are mentally quarreling with yourself or with others over finding a solution to the problem. You want things as they were and that is not possible. Ask your Supervising Self for a perspective change.
Cancer: Mars, the warrior energy, enters your sign for 6 weeks. You will need to be more conscious of setting boundaries around yourself. Speak up about what you will and will not do. You may feel edgy and quick on the trigger. Maybe this is necessary at this time. The Crab often hides in his hole until he is forced to protect himself.
Leo: You have a desire to break loose from routine now. You may be more forward and inventive than is your norm in personal relationships. Unusual twists may develop concerning artistic interests. Travel, publishing, church, and legal interests are favored.
Virgo: There may be a crisis with your children or a lover this week. There are elements of obsessive thinking and criticism involved. Be intentional about keeping an open mind and don't insist on a black and white answer. Ultimately this situation is about necessary change and growth through metamorphosis. Pretty words, but not a lot of fun.
Libra: Your energy is high and your mind is busy at this time. You want to enjoy things of beauty and romance now. It could be hard to concentrate upon mental work that requires attention to detail. If you must do so, then check everything twice. This is a week for the arts, for love, and for fun!
Scorpio: Mars, one of your ruling planets, enters your 9th house for 6 weeks. You will notice a shift into a new direction. It will likely be related to contacting people at a distance, preparing to travel, seeking professional advice, or focused on education. Drive within the speed limit.
Sagittarius: This is a fine time for love, romance, play and enjoying your children or grandchildren. You may be traveling or on an exotic vacation. Any activities related to travel, education, publishing, or the law are favored. Your luck is strong so drop a dollar or two on games of chance.
Capricorn: You need to make significant changes in your daily life in order to enhance your personal health. This may include a change of work venue or re-organizing your schedule to accommodate an exercise routine. Others may not see this, but you know quite well what is happening to your body.
Aquarius: A new friendship or romance that begins now may be really exciting. Unfortunately it is not likely to be stable or long lasting. The relationship comes along to snap you out of a rut and open your eyes to new possibilities. This is a good time to investigate high tech equipment.
Pisces: This is a week of favorable change in relation to your work, health, or both. Those under treatment will get good news about progress. Those who are employed will have improvements in equipment or special help from co-workers. A positive attitude will serve you well.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.