False narratives for nuts, nerds and nincompoops

Whenever pusillanimous politicians, liars, lefties and lunatics are looking for scape-goats, keep your eye on their favorite trick - propagation of the "False Narrative." Briefly, that means taking the truth and twisting it to fit a false objective. Remember Ferguson, Missouri's rioting mob's version of what happened in the exchange between law enforcement and the criminal? "Hands-up, don't shoot," as the victim was surrendering to the cop? A patently false narrative! Exhaustive evidence proved the cop shot the charging suspect to save his own life.
That and similar false narratives are currently being cited as proof we need to address a national menace, out-of-control police brutality and abuse. The charge is a generalization that statistics prove to be overwhelmingly wrong and politically motivated. Misguided political correctness would love to transform law enforcement into social work just because a criminal element thinks they need better understanding of their anti-social behavior, backed by squirrely politicians who need their votes. Anti-police agitation and mob rhetoric always find an isolated exception to prove a rule. When that is weighed against professional law enforcement, mandatory safeguards to comply with the Rule-of Law – probable cause, evidence, burden of proof and corroborating witness, etc. etc. the burden is always on the police to do it right. Do they make mistakes? Hell yes! Wouldn't you, occasionally, if the situation at the scene of the crime escalates to a point that your life is in imminent danger? Could you over-react if some threatening drunk, intruder, or murder suspect is charging at you? Would you wait so you could read him his Miranda rights?
If we really need outsiders reviewing police behavior, it's 100 percent okay if it's local! But if it's a federally selected review panel, what you are sure to get is the usual winning candidates like these:
• Two sociology professors with sympathies for members of the Weather Underground;
• Three former police officers from Mexico (multicultural component) with records of criminal negligence who all received A's for probationary courses on "Justice" taught by one of the professors;
• Four politicians currently running for reelection on platforms calling for the elimination of Grand Juries and sentencing reductions for minor infractions like resisting arrest, looting, robbery or spousal abuse;
• Two former Eric Holder Justice Dept. attorneys who think school discipline could be improved if more teachers with felony convictions were hired – if they can qualify for Tasers to protect themselves in classrooms.
But the review panel's initial recommendations are listed below and have been debated at several psychiatric hospitals. If adopted said hospitals may have to add beds for law enforcement patients.
Panel Recommendations: Probable Cause must be redefined to exclude suspects just running away from a crime scene; stolen goods found hidden under suspect's clothing is embarrassing, not criminal; objects hurled at police are only manifestations of self-expression; resisting arrest is okay and an American tradition of the democratic process from the Revolutionary War; officers charged with "excessive force" must go to Guantanamo to see if they are Jihadists; fines may be imposed by police instead of incarceration, if at least one third is donated to the Clinton Foundation; and finally, prostitution will be legal if the purveyor sings four repetitions of "Roll Me Over In the Clover" to an excommunicated Imam now working for the IRS Division of Denial for Conservatives.
One of the psychiatric hospitals offered me a job as Director of Admissions and Drum Major of their Law Enforcement Patient Marching Band if I'd stop all this silly Rule-of-Law stuff and support the Rule-of-Men and their false narratives. Should I? It's worked pretty well for Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, Putin, Mao and Khamenei.