My View

my viewBY DON SORCHYCH   |  jUNE 10, 2015

Here and there

Thanks to all the council Cave Creek has agreed to print legal ads in Sonoran News. An estimated 40 or so dark side (DS) people showed up to snarl, but that has become a regular occurrence in this town. The last election proved they are a minority in town but must have little excitement in life except council meetings – and trying to control commissions is their forte. The lies they tell about us are old, stale and wrong. Must be liberals.

Dear Creeker,
This email (below) was sent to a number of Creekers. I would appreciate your attendance at the June 15 council meeting to help refute their lies and continued future attendance to support the council.

Don Sorchych

From: Reg Monachino [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 3:20 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Town Council Meeting
Importance: High

On Monday June 15th at Call to the Public, George Ross will speak.
He will condemn the Sonoran News as a racist, anti-Semitic publication.
Council will be provided with copies of the Nazi cartoon and threats published in the tabloid.
He will ask Council to rescind its recent reward of advertising revenues to the tabloid.
Please help support George by attending the meeting. Your presence and your voice, if you care to speak, will demonstrate that the citizens of Cave Creek will not tolerate bigotry and religious threats to anyone.
Reg Monachino

Boombox by Dixon Diaz

boom box cartoon

Guest Editorials:

By Greg Allen  |  JUNE 10, 2015

The preferred definition of public servant

What visual images cascade through your mind when you think of a public servant? Is it a fireman dashing into a burning building to save a helpless child? Or is it a police officer protecting us from some ruthless criminal? How about a soldier risking it all in sacrifice of one for the freedom of many?

By DWIGHT KEHOE  |  JUNE 10, 2015

SAPPA Group contacts the NRA

The SAPPA group responds to a supporter

TPATH ~ Over the years TPATH has been in support of or the composer of many issues relating to patriotic endeavors. It has always been our desire to not burden our readers with ads and constant requests for money concerning whichever cause we were working on. As a result of this past week's out of character request for help in this SAPPA campaign a few of our readers were prompted to respond.

By Russell Pearce  |  JUNE 10, 2015

Judacracy or Republic; Judicial Corruption

Another attack from the all-powerful judiciary on the Constitution and state's rights in this opinion from the bench that is clearly judicial overreach and at the detriment of Arizona citizens and the Constitution. Proposition 100 was passed by a 3-1 vote at the ballot box. We have a right to decide the conditions of release of bad guys, including NO bond.

By Robert Romano  |  JUNE 10, 2015

America's lost decade

The U.S. economy contracted at an inflation-adjusted 0.7 percent in the first quarter, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports in its latest update.

The bad news flies in the face of economic projections by the U.S. Federal Reserve, which had been predicting 2.6 to 3 percent growth for 2015 in December. That was downgraded to 2.3 percent to 2.7 percent in March.