JUNE 10, 2015

Rep. Salmon introduces bill to cut funding to the U.N. Population Fund

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) recently announced the fourth bill in his Shrink our Spending Initiative to highlight and cut wasteful taxpayer-funded programs. Upon introduction of his latest bill to eliminate federal funding for the United Nations Population Fund, Salmon released the following statement:

“Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to fund activities that are not in line with our national priorities.  Among other things, the U.N. Population Fund is dedicated to encouraging abortion for women around the world, and even cooperates with China’s gruesome one-child policy.  In years past, legislation has made sure to appropriate no funds for the U.N. Population Fund, or have stipulated that those funds not be used for activities in China.”

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is an international, pro-abortion organization that is consistently involved in supporting programs that are not in line with America’s policy agenda. In the most recent appropriations legislation, $35,000,000 was allocated towards this program.

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