June 10 – 16, 2015

For All Signs: Mercury, ancient god of communications, turns direct once again on Thursday June 11. As this planet begins to regain its normal speed, it will be easier to move ahead with plans that have been pending for one reason or another for several weeks. Have patience with the flurry of phone calls and changed appointments that always accompany Mercury's shift in directions. Decisions are also subject to change, so if you experienced a disappointment in the last 3 weeks you might want to give it one more try after the 11th. The after-shadow period is complete on June 26. After that the old issues are resolved fully or left in the dust so we can proceed.
Aries: An abandonment issue from the past may be re-enacted in the present, only in different clothing. The symbolism points toward early issues with siblings or elementary education peers. If you have an overdone sense of rage this week, it is most probably caused by the older issues.
Taurus: You may decide that now is the time to purchase something new and attractive for your home or office. Relationships appear to be strained. Lighten up on your expectations and things will go better. At the same time, refuse to be anyone else’s doormat.
Gemini: Give special attention to the lead paragraph because Mercury is your avatar. As it turns direct in your sign, you may be energized to take a fresh initiative. A plan that has been teetering between stop and go becomes more clear so you can make a better decision.
Cancer: Your romantic side is cooperating well with your nurturing side at this time. This is especially good for female friendships. Make a date for lunch and reconnect with people you like. You may enjoy small gifts or favors this week.
Leo: Relationships to friends, siblings, or roommates go well. There may be a sense of pressure involving co-workers or the job in general. Use that Leonine charm to ease past the rough spots if possible. Otherwise try to stay out of the way.
Virgo: You likely will have help from a woman with regard to your career or life direction this week. Given that Mercury is going direct, you may be on the verge of a new decision in this sector of life. Test first, to see if it suits. If the trial works, you may be onto something.
Libra: Aspects favor travel, learning new things, the Internet, and help shared with friends. Prepare to fend off anyone who wants to control you or push you around on the weekend. You do not have to prove your affection and it isn’t even right for the “other” to expect it.
Scorpio: A child or a lover might scratch an old emotional wound. In the old days it felt like abandonment so this feels more painful than is reasonable. It is important for your mental health to stay in the present moment, lest you overreact to the situation and generate misery for yourself and others. Try not to relive that old history in knee jerk fashion.
Sagittarius: Saturn retrogrades out of your sign this week. By next week you may feel as though a heavy concern or responsibility has backed off for a while. You probably are aware that the thing you must do will return in the fall. But for now you can take a breather while you ponder the next step.
Capricorn: Your ruling planet is Saturn. Since late December it has tiptoed into your 12th house, showing you a preview of things to come. The 12th usually signals a change to the background of life. People in corporate bodies may move out of the mainstream. Others go back to school or take work in non-profit companies. The summer is a breather before you make changes.
Aquarius: You may have been relieved of a few work/career responsibilities last Dec. It appears this summer puts you back in that saddle again, but it will be thoroughly finished by October. Then you may return to the newer rewards for previous effort that began late in December 2014.
Pisces: Physical health may be the main thing on the agenda for a couple of weeks. If you need helpers in this department, they will serve you well. If what you need is rest, it will be in a beautiful and soothing place, like the beach or a spa, or a mountain cabin.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.