June 3 – 9, 2015

For All Signs: Saturn will be retrograding back to Scorpio for the summer after a 5 month spring trial in Sagittarius. Saturn will remain in the last degrees of Scorpio until it moves forward into a two year transit through Sagittarius. This planet is the Taskmaster, the Judge, or the Teacher. He was in Scorpio between October 2012 and Dec. 2014. While in the sign of Scorpio the world was made conscious of debt, in whatever form that is. This is not only money. Sometimes our debt is measured in time or energy. With this summer’s last transit into Scorpio, the consequences of dangling debt materialized in our laps. It is time to handle whatever we owe.
Aries: A new idea, plan, or introduction that was hatched in March appears to be showing signs of growth. Circumstances change in your favor. It is not necessary to force things or pressure people. You have found the groove. Just follow it. Love and social life are positive.
Taurus: You have favorable aspects related to home, property and family matters. You may have a desire to improve the appearance of the environment around you, whether at home or at work. It’s fine to purchase small items. But wait until the 11th before you commit to something large.
Gemini: You have the opportunity at this time to act as go-between or a bridge between one person and another. This may come by way of negotiation or it might be an introduction. The signs are favorable.
Cancer: Your path has no planetary challenges this week. Therefore your time will probably be spent doing the routine things of your life. Sometimes it feels really good to have nothing on the stove, no big challenges or new experiences to absorb. Have a peaceful week.
Leo: Venus enters your sign on the 5th and will be with you until July 17th. You always have an interest in appearance and this transit notches it up a couple of pegs. You may “redecorate” yourself with new glasses, clothing, or hairstyle. The goddess of love brings complements, small gifts, romance, or other pleasures.
Virgo: Beware the liar. The probability is high you will encounter one this week, someone who believes his own story, thus making it unclear if he is telling the truth. Check out the sources and ask other people who may know something about the situation. Don’t accept anything of importance at face value.
Libra: Venus, your ruling planet, travels with you into the territory of friendships, community and organizational affairs. Over the next three weeks she will enhance your presence at any activity in this sphere. It is a good time to plan a party for friends or to meet new people at other gatherings.
Scorpio: See the lead paragraph because it is specific to your sign. You are fortunate this week. Resources increase and you are able to repay loans, whether they be in money, time or energy. A new person entering your life may spark some interest. This might also be a previously known individual who has changed for the better.
Sagittarius: This is an ideal time to take a trip or plan one. It is also a wonderful period to enjoy both romantic and social life. Your upbeat attitude brings invitations your way. Legal matters are judged in your favor. What’s not to like?
Capricorn: You want to challenge the rules or the authorities and this is not the time to expect success, regardless of the topic. You will be blocked, no matter which way you present your desired outcome. Save yourself the trouble and settle your mind for the present.
Aquarius: This is not your smoothest week. Details may nag your mind and your time like pecking ducks. This is nit-picking and will not serve you now. Shift gears and open your mind to share some quality time with a significant other. This is a good time to discuss issues within a relationship because you are steady of mind and likely to be realistic.
Pisces: You likely will hear favorable feedback from others this week. Giving attention to your health and your home will be satisfying. You might have a new inspiration to experiment with and it likely will flow easily. The routine of life is a pleasure.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.