Obama's Amnesty, the road to lawlessness

First, an update: Obama's recent Executive Order granting up to 4.7 million illegal immigrants in the country relief from the U.S. law requiring deportation has been halted again, this time by the 5th District Court of Appeals. Now the White House may appeal the decision or go to the Supreme Court for its determination of Constitutionality.
The issue of amnesty is unprecedented in the potential for disastrous consequences that will transpire like a nightmare, negatively affecting the Rule of Law, terminating ICE's "Secure Communities" authority and undermining law enforcement in ways that will sky-rocket criminal behavior. You won't hear this from your local liberal press, or Stephanopoulos-type major media, or the powerful illegal alien advocates who have suborned political leaders into believing it's "unfair" to remove illegal aliens who commit crimes. One of the most authoritative articles on how those disasters will play out was published by Hillsdale College's February "Imprimis." It was written by Heather MacDonald, a gifted reporter and editor at "City Journal" in N.Y.
In it she explains Obama's Executive Order is in violation of Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution, that mandates the President "Shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully 'executed'." To "execute" a law there has to be one to execute. But there is no law by Congress granting Amnesty to illegal immigrants. So by using an Executive Order Obama, "Is making one up - arrogating to himself a function the Constitution allocates to Congress." That is an illegal act that jeopardizes the Rule of Law because it contravenes Congressional law that says illegal aliens, especially those who have committed crimes, must be deported.
The cascading consequences of immigration lawlessness are effectively deteriorating and/or rendering inoperative the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) program called "Secure Communities." That program is their law enforcement authority to deport illegal alien criminals. "Secure Communities" is what provides local law enforcement with FBI fingerprints of illegals booked for a crime. The locals can then notify ICE to deport the criminal. But the real crime (unlawfulness) is that under the duress of powerful illegal alien advocate groups and political dereliction, reports MacDonald, "Nearly 300 jurisdictions, N.Y. State and City, California, Chicago and Los Angeles openly refuse ICE's requests for detainers to deport the criminals."
MacDonald's latest statistics also reveal that of over 400,000 illegal detainees, only 19 percent were deported and almost 50 percent of those not deported reoffended. That constitutes a dangerous practice of more unlawfulness.
MacDonald's very important point is that Immigration activists carry on a constant political campaign to protect illegal aliens from deportation, while their attacks on "Secure Communities" weaken our resolve against lawlessness because the law hasn't been enforced. That tells people it’s OK! But, "One of the great insights of policing in the last two decades was the realization that the low level misdemeanor offenses like graffiti, drunk driving, drug sales (etc.) have an outsized impact on a community's perception of public safety and on the actual reality of crime." Enforcing the law on even minor misdemeanor offenses sends the message that tends to deter the commission of more serious crimes. If you can't get away with committing the minor stuff, you probably can't get away with the big time stuff either!
In Baltimore, according to latest reports, the crime scene has been out of control – mostly because law enforcement lost the support of its political leaders. When police are told to "stand down" or "back off" enforcing the law to cool emotions of law breakers, it's read as authoritative acceptance of the usual reasons why the criminals hate the police. When the bad guys are able to convince cowardly politicians and the public that any enforcement against minor crimes and misdemeanors is unfair "harassment" the tables of justice have been turned.
The nature of police work is confrontational and if it subjects officers to unreasonable accusations of criminality because of the confrontation, they will back off to protect themselves. Police work is dangerous and with no political back-up, kiss protective law enforcement good-bye.