MAY 13, 2015
Online application for notaries available
PHOENIX – For centuries, notaries have been an integral part of society. In fact, “Notarius” as they were called, prepared contracts, wills and other important documents in the Roman Empire. Since then a lot has changed, but not the way someone files an application to become a notary public in Arizona, until now.
Secretary of State Michele Reagan has announced the business services division of the office has implemented an online web application and renewal for Notaries Public. On average, the division processes 1,300 notaries public applications each month.
The Secretary of State’s Business Services Division commissions, records and maintains notaries in Arizona. A notary public witnesses signatures and verifies identities of signers.
While every state commissions notaries, each one allows different functions. In our state, notaries may perform acknowledgments, jurats, copy certifications, and oaths and affirmations.
“Notaries perform a valuable service in our legal system by confirming someone’s identity and ensuring signatures are made willingly on important documents like home mortgages, vehicle titles and other legal papers,” said Secretary Reagan. “It’s our hope the online application makes it easier for people to join thousands of notaries in Arizona who fulfill such an important role.”
The online application builds upon recent technological improvements to the AZSOS website, the ability to accept credit cards and a major upgrade to the campaign finance reporting system to be unveiled this summer.
“We’ve taken some great steps to bring the office into the 21st century,” continued the Secretary. “Combined with our upgrades to, it’s easier than ever for people to find notaries, file complaints against notaries or for notaries themselves to quickly access the services we provide.”
For more information on how to become a notary public visit: