APRIL 22, 2015
Grand Canyon Chapter DAR holds annual meeting

Current and past chapter leaders, from l.: Katie Paulsen, honorary chapter regent; Jean Howell, honorary chapter regent; Stephanie Troth, honorary Arizona state society (ASDAR) regent and honorary chapter regent; Kathy Shields, current chapter regent; Terri Mott, ASDAR vice regent and honorary chapter regent; and Tochia Levine, honorary chapter regent.
Scottsdale-chartered Grand Canyon Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) held its annual meeting April 4 at Chaparral Suites, Scottsdale. Officers and chairmen recapped their goals and accomplishments during the 2014-2015 season.
Organized in 1983, the chapter has a diverse membership including artists, educators, community volunteers, homemakers, lawyers, nurses, philanthropists and writers.
DAR chapters are led by regents, who serve locally as representatives and spokesmen for the National Society’s president general. In addition to its current regent Grand Canyon Chapter claims 10 active honorary regents, who have each served a typical two-year term as chapter leader.
DAR is a nonprofit, nonpolitical volunteer organization and membership is open to all women 18 years or older who can prove lineal descent from a Revolutionary War patriot.
The next and last chapter meeting until the fall is May 2. The program will be “Don’t Incarcerate—Educate,” presented by Sue Ellen Allen, co-founder and executive director for GINA’s Team, a nonprofit organization that brings educational programs into prisons and juvenile facilities. Guests are welcome.
For reservations contact regent Kathy Shields at 602.820.5427 or [email protected]. For more information visit www.dar.org.