Feature Articles

APRIL 1, 2015
Arizona Small Dog Rescue adoption events
Scottsdale resident, Sherry Petta, has a passion for dog rescue that’s blossomed into a round-the-clock endeavor. Sherry volunteers for the Arizona Small Dog Rescue (AZSDR), who comes to the aid of dogs (big and small) who may have been hit by a car, found thrown in a dumpster, or need surgery ...
Pet of the Week: Pudge
Thanks Netanyahu, a real leader
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent presentation to the U.S. House of Representatives was comparable to Winston Churchill's speech warning the world about the Nazis prior to World War II. The address was refreshingly free of the blather characteristic of self-serving proclamations and delays unloaded by Obama and Kerry on negotiations with Iran.
BOOK NOOK | MARCH 25, 2015
Scottsdale business owner is finalist for book award
A new book from Scottsdale resident Robyn McKay has been pegged as one of the finalists for the 2015 Benjamin Franklin Awards, a celebration of the best books published over the past year.