FEBRUARY 25, 2015
Opposites really do attract
At least this was the case with two sanctuary coyotes at Southwest Wildlife
SCOTTSDALE – Sandy the coyote (l) came to us as an owner surrender. She had been found as an orphaned pup, when she ended up in a Good Samaritan's hands. Her owner loved her dearly, but realized that not only was it illegal to have a wild animal as a pet, but it was unhealthy for Sandy.
Wanting to do the best he could for Sandy, she was given to us to care for her for the rest of her life. While her owner was sad, he knew this was what was best for Sandy.
Shorty arrived at Southwest Wildlife around Valentine's Day last year. Shorty is just as his name states – Short! Due to improper conditions and diet while he was growing up, he did not mature properly to his full height. In his first months at Southwest Wildlife, he was scared and shy.
In April 2014, Shorty (r) and Sandy were introduced. At first it seemed that Sandy dominated him, but they quickly worked out their relationship issues. Shorty now stands his ground and Sandy will actually defer to him even over treats these days. They are quite a cute and eccentric couple. Sandy, a tall lanky coyote next to the shortest coyote we have here.
Most days you can see Shorty and Sandy following each other around, doting on one another, or simply enjoying a nice nap together. Some people say that opposites attract, and Shorty and Sandy are no exception!
Come and see Shorty and Sandy this Valentine's weekend at Hearts & Howls. Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center is proud to host this unique event at our ten-acre wildlife sanctuary in northeast Scottsdale.