JANUARY 7, 2015
Public Art at Desert Foothills Library
Did you know there are outdoor installations of public art at Desert Foothills Library? If you’re in a hurry or not paying attention, you could miss them. In the median between the upper and lower parking lots are two very special pieces. Geoffrey’s Walk (r), dedicated to Geoffrey Platts, was created by local artist Paul Diefenderfer and is installed at the east end of the median. 1 4 Paul, dedicated to Paul Elswick, was created by Richard Mocco and was installed at the west end of the median voluntarily by Paul Diefenderfer.
Take a moment to admire these fine works in honor of these talented residents our community lost more than 14 years ago.
According to Katherine Elswick, Paul and Richard were poker buddies. Being dyslexic, Richard had never read any of Paul’s writing, columns entitled “The Larger Circle” published weekly in Sonoran News and later published as a book, Spiritual Essays of Paul Elswick: The Larger Circle. After Paul passed away, friends gathered and read Paul’s writing aloud. It was then Richard created this piece of art to show his appreciation for Paul’s work.
The book, Spiritual Essays of Paul Elswick: The Larger Circle by Paul Elswick is available at Sonoran News.