Horse sense
According to a recent field report, there are more than 100,000 vacancies in the U.S. nursing industry. Studies have shown that surgery survival increases 14 percent when a nurse is responsible for the care of four patients instead of the typical six. We need more nurses.
During the reign of Henry VIII, a man’s shoe size was an indication of his social rank. Larger shoes signified higher rank. My big feet might have been of some use back in the sixteenth century. I had an uncle that had truly large feet. He often had to go outside in order to turn around.
It was not until 1967 that the winning team of our Baseball World Series was awarded any trophy.
The phrase “horse sense” originally did not refer to the intelligence of horses, rather it referred to one’s ability to accurately evaluate equine livestock. Horse traders loved to find rich people who fancied themselves skilled at assessing horseflesh.
“Blue Boy,” a famous portrait by Gainsborough, was created to demonstrate that a predominantly blue painting need not be dull or sad. The artwork currently hangs in a San Marino, California library. Some time back, the masterpiece was estimated to be worth $90,000,000. Typically, only professional athletes or attorneys can afford such prizes.
I do not know her name, but the spouse of Howard Ramage in Vancouver lost her wedding ring down a drain. Thirty-six years later, a local man found that ring in the stomach of a fish. The Good Samaritan sportsman returned the ring to widowed Howard Ramage.
In world championship boxing bouts, the challenger wins about 25 percent of the time.
Kim Jones, a pretty eighteen year old of Franklin, North Carolina was passing the time looking around an old mine near her home when she found a 456 carat ruby. I once found a shiny rock.
Sewer workers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania found a clump of hundred dollar bills that had been flushed down a toilet. The money totaled more than $4,000. Possibly some unmonitored child? An angry wife? A government study? No one seems to know.
Bonzo was the name of the chimpanzee that co-starred with Ronald Reagan (before he was president). Bonzo must also be a term of adoration because that is what my fifth grade teacher called me.
A construction employee in England was working near what was once the home of Lord Byron when he found a cache of 1000 gold coins four feet underground. No word on who got to keep the gold. My bet is somehow the government people perceived the gold as clearly belonging to them.
Quakers were so named because those most sincere in their groups were occasionally observed trembling and shaking with religious fervor. Well, feel honored should you have “substantial” feet – and have a great week.
James White is a retired mathematics teacher who enjoys sharing fascinating trivia. He can be reached at [email protected].