DECEMBER 31, 2014

DAR chapter salutes community leader C.A. Howlett

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dargccFrom left, chapter DAR Community Service Awards Chairman, Marcia Jobe; Mr. C.A. Howlett; and chapter regent, Kathy Shields.

SCOTTSDALE – Scottsdale-chartered Grand Canyon Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution   presented the DAR Community Service Award to C.A. Howlett, president of US Airways Community Foundation and chairman of the Phoenix Symphony Association, at its December 13 meeting in Scottsdale.  Mr. Howlett’s community participation includes the dedication of over 300 hours of personal time to preserve the financial vitality of the symphony.

The DAR Community Service Award recognizes outstanding voluntary achievement in cultural, educational, humanitarian, patriotic, benevolent service, or by organizing or participating in community activities.

The next chapter luncheon meeting is January 3 at 11:30 a.m., Chaparral Suites, Scottsdale.  The program is “Teddy Roosevelt,” presented by Joe Wiegand, Theodore Roosevelt repriser. Guests are welcome. For information and reservations contact regent Kathy Shields at 602.820.5427 or [email protected].