DECEMBER 23, 2014

NRA-endorsed Martha McSally scores a major victory over national gun control groups

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martha mcsallyFAIRFAX, Virginia – The National Rifle Association would like to congratulate Martha McSally (l) on her victory in the race for Arizona’s Second Congressional District.  Americans For Responsible Solutions (ARS) spent over $2 million in AZ-2, their top priority race – four times as much as they spent in any other race this cycle. This result caps off a long list of stunning defeats in the 2014 midterm elections for anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other gun control groups.  

"The men and women of the NRA congratulate Martha McSally on a hard fought victory. Martha stood on principle and supported our constitutional freedoms, despite being relentlessly attacked by the gun control movement," said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA Political Victory Fund. “Michael Bloomberg and national anti-gun groups were dealt a significant blow by Second Amendment supporters across the country on election day.  A clear takeaway from these elections is that voters do not support Michael Bloomberg's extreme anti-gun agenda."

Gun control groups outspent the NRA thirty-five to one and were still defeated by the NRA’s grassroots network. The NRA contacted thousands of members and supporters via phone, email alerts, mail and door-to-door activities. The strong rebuke of the Bloomberg anti-gun agenda coincides with a post-election Pew Research poll that shows the majority of Americans support the protection of Second Amendment rights.

After boasting he would spend $50 million dollars to crush the NRA, ninety percent of NRA endorsed candidates for federal office won election. NRA backed candidates won nine of the top ten Senate races (AR, KS, CO, IA, GA, KY, LA, NC and WV).  In Georgia, Bloomberg spent $350,000 on a pro-Michelle Nunn Super PAC while the NRA ran ads tying Nunn to Bloomberg and his anti-gun agenda. Nunn lost to NRA-endorsed David Perdue.

Additionally, the NRA had great success in races for the U.S. House, including significant victories in AR-2, IA-3, NH-1, and VA-10, among many others.  In IA-3, both the NRA and ARS spent heavily airing television ads that focused on Second Amendment issues and the pro-Second Amendment candidate prevailed.

Bloomberg and anti-gun groups did not fare well in gubernatorial contests either. In Maryland, Bloomberg’s PAC spent $500,000 against Larry Hogan highlighting the fact that Hogan was endorsed by the NRA. Hogan went on to defeat Bloomberg backed gun control supporter Anthony Brown.  And in Florida, NRA-endorsed Rick Scott defeated the gun control community’s candidate, Charlie Crist.

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