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December 23 – 30, 2014


For All Signs:  Direct translations of the biblical Gospel of Matthew identify the "Three Wise Men" as astrologers. Though the story of the three astrologers' literal visit to Bethlehem may be mythic, it is altogether a probability that the educated priest/astrologers of the time were predicting a very important birth. Percy Seymour, physicist-astronomer of Great Britain, offers a strong case which postulates the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of September 7 in the year 7 B.C., as the birth date of Jesus in his book, Astrology:  The Evidence of Science (1988).  During that year there was a rare and politically important triple conjunction of these two planets in the sign of Pisces, the Fish.  The middle conjunction of September 7 occurred while the Sun was in the sign of Virgo (the virgin).  As the sun was setting that evening, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction was ascending, heralding the birth of a king.  Biblical realists will not appreciate this interpretation of the story, but it is a sound premise if one considers that astrology was commonly accepted in the era.  Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Aries:  Your energy level is good.  Hopefully you are getting a needed break from your career this holiday season for R&R.  Aspects favor relationships to friends and Significant Others.  No doubt there are parties and fun times that will help you relax.

Taurus:  This holiday season may find you traveling or alternatively, hosting people who live at a distance.  Give attention to good health practices.  There are opportunistic viruses that sneak around and look for a good host at this time of year.  It will be a challenge to stay on your diet at this time.

Gemini:  Your mind is restless and more easily drops into worry mode this week.  You have financial concerns about the big picture.  The Twins rarely worry, but things feel a bit different now.  Find a variety of interesting things to read.  For relief get out and about and visit places you haven’t seen.

Cancer:  At present your rational mind tells you one set of facts while the heart/instincts are in another camp altogether. Take your conflict to a higher place--not one of either/or, but both/and.  A larger perspective would satisfy both ends of the equation.  The result will be truly creative.

Leo:  You are wanting to take part in the joys of the season, but this year your life is complicated by major demands of your responsibilities.  It is complicated by issues of your cohorts.  They may be ill or somehow unavailable to handle their share of the work.  You will probably be glad when the season is over.

Virgo:  The “rules” and the world’s expectations have you tied up like a pretzel right now.  The harder you struggle, the tighter those binds seem to become.  It’s like a Chinese puzzle.  Sometimes if you relax on the control issues, the solution comes through.  Give it some space.

LibraYou need time to think about an issue concerning your relationship to family.  Your heart says one thing and your mind another.  When we feel this issue, we usually are unable to move forward in any significant way.  It is generally best to withhold judgment until a good solution develops.

Scorpio:  Watch your mouth.  It may get you in trouble. There are elements of obsessive thinking and criticism involved.  Be intentional about keeping an open mind and don't insist on a black and white answer.  It is possible someone is doing this to you, but you can resist falling into that trap.

Sagittarius:  You are normally the party type and usually enjoy the holiday season.  But this year you may be feeling somehow isolated, which is rarely the case for you.  It is possible that you have financial concerns and must curtail your spending. You may not feel as well as normal so perhaps you need to rest.

Capricorn:  You are knee deep in concerns and complications.  In your heart of hearts, you want a sabbatical and rightly so.  The Goat frequently takes on too many responsibilities for his own good.  At this time in your life it is truly a challenge to uncomplicate anything because everything depends on everything else.  Take the best break you can.

Aquarius:  You may be concerned about rumors, but don’t give them energy unless you see a fact in front of your face.  Turn your attention to new and different experiences. Almost anything you set out to accomplish is handled in unusually quick time.  You have what it takes to be a warrior on behalf of yourself or others now.

Pisces:  It is possible that you will hear about someone who does healing work that could assist you.  The Fish often respond to alternative healing methods as well or better than allopathic medicine.  Keep an open mind.  For example, you may do well with Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: