DECEMBER 10, 2014
Governor Jan Brewer: Arizona joins legal effort to overturn president’s illegal action
PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer has authorized the state of Arizona to sign onto a multistate lawsuit seeking to overturn President Obama’s recent immigration executive action – a unilateral decision by the President to ignore existing federal immigration law and effectively grant amnesty to nearly five million illegal aliens.
“Arizona is proud to join a coalition of states fighting to overturn President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional executive action,” said Governor Brewer. “As a border state bearing the brunt of our nation’s broken immigration system – a crisis exacerbated by the President’s reckless immigration policies and refusal to enforce the law – our state and our citizens have had enough.
“President Obama has exceeded his power as clearly defined in the United States Constitution and federal law and deliberately ignored the will of the American people. Such federal overreach cannot stand. I believe that the courts should strike down this presidential fiat and uphold the fundamental principles upon which this country was built.”