DECEMBER 10, 2014
Social worker wins top honors at city Employee Awards Program
SCOTTSDALE – Every Thursday morning for the past 20 years Human Services Coordinator Donna Brower arrives at the office before dawn to get more than 200 brown bags prepped and volunteers organized to receive and bag a truckload of food from the St. Mary’s food bank. The bags are then delivered to the city’s most vulnerable seniors. For her efforts – and many others – Brower has been awarded the 2014 Herbert R. Drinkwater Award at the city’s annual awards ceremony.
DECEMBER 10, 2014
Young Scottsdale woman needs heart-lung transplant to survive
SCOTTSDALE – Christmas socks have a special meaning for a Valley young woman who was born with severe heart and lung defects and now must have a heart-lung transplant to survive. Defying the odds since birth, twenty-two year-old Scottsdale resident Becca Atherton now faces a heart-lung transplant at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center as the next step in her journey.
DECEMBER 10, 2014
HUD and VA team up to help additional 28 homeless veterans in Arizona find permanent homes
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently announced $172,000 in rental vouchers to local public housing agencies in Arizona to help an additional 28 homeless Veterans find permanent supportive housing.