Candidate packets available for March 10 recall election
CAVE CREEK – Now that the four councilmen subject to recall: Adam Trenk (vice mayor), Mike Durkin, Reg Monachino and Charles Spitzer, are heading to a March 10, 2015 election, citizens interested in running against any one of the four recalled councilmen may pick up a candidate packet at town hall.
Candidates must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of Cave Creek for at least one year immediately prior to March 10.
Ordinarily, Cave Creek Town Council terms are for a period of two years.
However, in order to come into compliance with the state’s consolidated election law, the current council was elected for a three-and-one-half-year term.
Nominating petitions must be filed in opposition to one specific recalled councilman, whose name will automatically appear on the ballot, and will require a minimum of 94 valid signatures.
Petitions may be filed no earlier than Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 (90 days prior to the election) and no later than Friday, Jan. 9, 2015 (60 days prior to the election).
Council members will be elected upon a simple majority vote and will take office immediately following the official canvass of the election.
For more information, contact Town Clerk Carrie Dyrek at 480-488-6613, Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.