A facelift for a smile? Dr. Devi says absolutely!
SCOTTSDALE – You might not think of going to the dentist for a facelift, but guess what? If you have issues such as sunken cheeks, wrinkles around the mouth or a deep wrinkle under the lower lip, inadequate lip volume, a sunken mouth (often called a “grandpa” or “grandma” smile) or simply an unattractive smile or worn teeth, then you’re likely a candidate for Facelift Cosmetic Dentistry.
Money doesn’t come easy; Dane Holdings Taxes works hard to help you keep it!
SCOTTSDALE – It may only be December, but the professionals at Dane Holdings Taxes say this is the time for tax planning. The family-run business has more than 20 years of experience, so they understand doing taxes isn’t always the most fun endeavor, but they are here to help.
DECEMBER 3, 2014
Kiwanians, community celebrate Marketplace opening
CAVE CREEK – Marketplace volunteers, Kiwanis members and community leaders celebrated the opening of the Kiwanis Marketplace with a Ribbon Cutting and Reception on Monday, November 10, 2014.
Business to Business

Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign and Finance your car or truck with locally owned and operated AZ Auto Hunters. Call Darrin Delfelder today at 480-595-9496 or stop in their Carefree office: 7202 E. Cave Creek Rd., 8D.
At Desert Flower Senior Living you’ll discover a boutique style of living and a dedicated staff committed to exceeding your expectations. 9185 E. Desert Cove, Scottsdale, 480-657-9000.
Natural Choice Landscaping is a full service company. Residential or commercial – design, create and maintain landscapes. Call 602-295-9198 for a Free Consultation! Licensed. Bonded. Insured. ROC #229421
Car + Home = BIG SAVINGS! Call Bill Mulliniks, State Farm Insurance, at 480-488-2101 and start saving. Located in Carefree at 748 Easy St.
Enjoy fresh ingredients, home cooking and daily specials at the Summit Diner, including breakfast anytime! Located at 32531 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste 101. 480-575-6562
Dr. Jay McFarlane now heads Carefree Acupuncture and Chiropractic Clinic. Jay is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, Fellow International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture and Certified Nike Golf NG360 Performance Specialist. Call for an appt. at the Carefree office: 480-488-9647.