November 12 – 18, 2014
For All Signs: Since the beginning of November, Mars has been conjunct Pluto and also square Uranus. When these strong energies are working in combination they are known by astrologers as very powerful, toward the good or ill. These are hard on the physical body. Mars increases adrenaline and cortisol, resulting from the stress of will. Uranus is high wired, excitable energy that feels like electricity flowing through the brain. When these two operate simultaneously it is incredibly important to remain grounded. When they are at work we often get high on excitement and cannot sleep well. It is mandated that we exercise, which uses up the excess hormonal rush and settles us down. Tempers flare easily under this aspect. If you are feeling irritable, cross, or outright angry, the most useful thing you can do with that adrenaline is exercise or use your large muscles in some way. Drive carefully because many will be enjoying their road rage.
Aries: Your warrior self is front and center during this period. The best use of this energy is on behalf of the Greater Good or another person who needs a champion. Use that energy with thoughtful intentionality. Your reflexes may be off kilter. Ground your adrenalin with heavy exercise but take care not to force your body beyond its limits.
Taurus: Walking around in your relationships may feel like a mine field right now. Either you or your partner is easily set off during this period. It could be a good thing if you call a truce and let things be while these challenging transits are occurring. Avoid contentious attitudes.
Gemini: The next two weeks focus your attention on the subject of healing. This may develop on the physical, spiritual or emotional plane. Given the mind-body connection, it is probable that work on the emotional level will heal you physically and vice-versa. If it is not you who is healing, then you may be tending someone significant in your life.
Cancer: You need a rest. You may withdraw into your shell for a while this week. The past 6 weeks have carried so much emotional energy for you that it would feel enormously good to be quiet and read a book. Give yourself a break.
Leo: This is a time in which your exuberance and enthusiasm may carry you farther than you really intended to go. You will certainly have more energy to do whatever you choose, but take care that you don't promise way more than you can deliver. Your warm and generous heart will have a heyday.
Virgo: This may be a really good time to heal rifts in a relationship. Aspects favor dialogue and mutually human understanding. The energies augur communicating via written sharing as well. Activities involving school, studying new skills, and nearby travel are also favored.
Libra: The financial picture is demanding that you review and revise your savings and/or investments. Don’t make hasty decisions if you can help it. However, the circumstances may demand that you do. Relationship life is a little rocky. You may feel the need to be alone during this period.
Scorpio: A sudden surprise may strike you early in this week. After the shock wears off, you will eventually recognize that this is the best thing that might have happened. It breaks you away from a rut that has had you jammed tightly into a box.
Sagittarius: Venus has entered your sign this week and will be traveling "with you" through Dec. 9th. Her presence gives you an air of poise and people will simply like how you look. She is a people attractor. Often when Venus is prominent we become more interested in art forms and things of beauty.
Capricorn: After an explosion which may have already occurred, you are seeking to become focused again. There are those in your community who can soothe your fevered brow and help you restore calm to your life again. Seek them out.
Aquarius: It is possible that you have exploded with material that has come up from the depths of your soul, and probably from out of your past. You may be asking yourself, “Who said that?” Or maybe a secret has just been revealed. Look for grounding within your mind by grounding your body.
Pisces: Events of this week may bring you healing on a variety of levels. This is a good week to connect with an exercise buddy and create a fresh routine that will elevate your spirit. You might also connect to someone on the Internet who shares some of your interests.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: