OCTOBER 22, 2014

OBrewercare goes to AZ Supreme Court - Mark Your Calendars!

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SurrenderThe highest court in the land has agreed to hear the Arizona Legislator's case against Governor Jan Brewer's Medicaid Expansion, a.k.a. OBrewercare.

The Goldwater Institute is representing the 36 LegisHeroes who represent US. 

Mark Your Calendars - Be There!
When:  November 6, 2013, 2 p.m.
Where:  University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1. Why Tucson?  (the liberal blue island of Arizona).
I speculate that they may want to flood the room with the 'Occupy Tucson' Liberals.

2.  Who are the judges?  Any up for re-election on the 4th? 
Hon. Scott Bales
Hon. John Pelander
Hon. Rebecca White Berch
Hon. Robert M. Brutinel
Hon. Ann A. Scott Timmer 

Do not forget the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Obamacare and your shock over Judge Roberts’ ruling.  In Arizona we have seen a carbon copy of many tactics used for the Federal implementation of Obamacare. It began with the 3 a.m. Brewer/Pelosi shove-the-bill-down-your-throat and now Brewer is parroting the Obama administration line that Arizona cannot endure the 'constitutional crisis' of the courts simply upholding the Arizona constitution.  

Mark Your Calendars!  Bring those bones (representing the outcome of Obamacare) and signs. Be heard.

Alliance for Principled Conservatives

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