OCTOBER 22, 2014
Business endorsements over, small business mobilizes
NFIB spreading the word about the best candidates for Arizona’s Main Streets

PHOENIX – They are not smaller versions of big businesses. They have different difficulties in keeping their doors open. Today, the state and nation’s largest and leading small-business association, which has been reminding candidates for office of this distinction for more than 70 years, announced the end of its endorsement process in Arizona and the acceleration of its campaigning for incumbents, challengers and open-seat candidates who fundamentally understand the importance of Main Street, mom-and-pop enterprises.
“Arizona has had a good run recently of pro-small-business legislation coming out of our State Capitol, but we can never take that for granted,” said Farrell Quinlan, Arizona state director for the National Federation of Independent Business. “That’s why we take extra care with the state and federal candidates we endorse, and then double our efforts to spread the word on whom they are.”
A special web story on NFIB’s endorsed state and federal candidates in Arizona, the power of the small-business vote, what a small business is, and other related election information is available for viewing from the NFIB/Arizona web page. Look for the Small Business Election Central—Endorsements, Deadlines, Voter Resources story.
With 350,000 dues-paying members across the nation, including more than 7,000 in Arizona, NFIB is the Voice of Small Business. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, “Small businesses significantly impact Arizona’s economy. They represent 97.1 percent of all employers and employ 44.8 percent of the private-sector labor force. Small businesses are crucial to the fiscal condition of the state and numbered 495,227 in 2010. Most of Arizona’s small businesses have fewer than 20 employees.”