OCTOBER 15, 2014

Announcing the 2014 Mountains of the Land Trust Photo Contest

Share your photos of Black Mountain or Daisy Mountain
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lightning photo by bob hughs2013 First Place winner (Professional Photographers’ choice) – photo by Bob Hughes

NORTH VALLEY – Desert Foothills Land Trust is pleased to once again host the 2014 Mountains of the Land Trust Photo Contest! Share your favorite shots of Black Mountain or Daisy Mountain to help the Land Trust inspire the protection of the landscapes you love. The photo contest is intended to encourage a deeper appreciation for the unique characteristics of Black Mountain and Daisy Mountain – the landmarks at the heart of our Desert Foothills communities. Photos can be taken any time, but should feature Black Mountain or Daisy Mountain in some way.

This year, the contest is going entirely digital! Photo contest entries will be accepted only by email to [email protected] through 4 p.m. on Monday, November 3, 2014. Photo entries must be accompanied by a completed entry and release form. Additional details and the entry and release form are available on the Land Trust’s website.

Professional photographers Don Asakawa, Alan Lowy, Kazu Okutomi, Richard Rubenstein, Jerry Sieve and Mike Spinelli will review all entries and choose 13 finalists for inclusion in our 2015 Mountains of the Land Trust Photo Contest calendar. They will also choose Grand Prize, second, third and fourth place winners. The Grand Prize winner will be on the cover of the calendar. All placed winners will receive prizes and all finalists will receive a free calendar.

The thirteen finalists will be announced on or before November 10, and the finalists' photos will be posted online for public voting for the Peoples' Choice Award. Voting will end at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 1, and the People's Choice Award winner will receive an additional grand prize. All participants will be invited to a reception, at which the awards will be presented and the calendar will be unveiled. Calendars will be available for sale after that reception – just in time for holiday gift-giving!

By calling attention to the beauty and majesty of Black Mountain and Daisy Mountain, Desert Foothills Land Trust hopes to inspire support for local land conservation, and to connect people to the incredible landscapes right here in our communities. We can’t wait to see your photos and to celebrate the landscape we love!

For additional information or to download the complete rules and entry form, please visit www.dflt.org.

2013 Peoples’ Choice Award winner – photo by Tammy Manganelli
cholla photo by tammy manganelli