October 8 – 14, 2014
For All Signs: We have a full Moon eclipse at 6:51 am EDT on Wednesday, Oct. 8. This eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries, conjunct Uranus and square to Pluto. I have been aware of this date for years because I expect it will spark multiple global events, many of which are unexpected, similar to an earthquake. In ancient times eclipses were believed frightening, heralding negative omens, especially in regions of their visibility (in this case, Asia, Pacific Ocean). Contemporary astrologers perceive eclipse seasons as periods that relieve critical mass. For many of us this month there will be an experience of manifestation or illumination about situations that have been long in the making. Read below for your sun sign and your ascending sign, to learn how this eclipse will affect you.
Aries: The eclipses of this 18 month series will draw your attention to your partnerships. Patterns from your childhood history needed to be uncovered, repaired or removed in order to allow your growth into a more mature relationship. Psychotherapy may be truly helpful. There may be a critical turn of consciousness at this time.
Taurus: This Aries eclipse pressures you to concentrate on improvement of work related relationships and health maintenance. Diet, exercise and improvement of physical regimen will become imperative. Honing your management systems in personal and work arenas is necessary to create order in your daily work routine.
Gemini: This eclipse pattern emphasizes your progeny or other personally creative births. Romantic ventures will be intensely emotional and self-revealing. You will be learning a few lessons in discernment concerning friendships and associations that no longer serve you well.
Cancer: Matters concerning your family and property are accented for this period. A decision is required now, though you don’t have all the facts you need. Old problems in relationships, even with the deceased, will surface for cleansing and healing. A new family member may enter the scene, or you may begin to spend more time with family in general.
Leo: The accent of this eclipse cycle is on travel, education, care of vehicles and relationships to siblings, roommates, neighbors, or others who daily traverse your life. Habit patterns of thought are being brought to consciousness so negative thinking can be corrected. You are learning new practical life skills.
Virgo: During this 18 month series of eclipses you are pressed to value yourself in new ways. Alongside of that comes education in the management of money and other resources, such as time and energy. There will be less help from others in these arenas, but you are creating these resources for yourself. There may be a critical turn of events during this period.
Libra: Your sense of personal identity is the subject under consideration. Who are you becoming and who do you need to be? How do you wish to define yourself before the world? Given the intensity of this eclipse, you may be struggling to hold onto your identity while simultaneously maintaining a personally rewarding relationship.
Scorpio: The Aries/Libra eclipses emphasize your need to create order, both internally and externally. Continuing your projects requires the faith of your deepest self. Bringing order out of chaos is done on both the inner and outer levels simultaneously, so while you organize your health routines, you are also organizing your psyche.
Sagittarius: This eclipse season will be opening your mind and heart to accept a larger circle of friends. You may become a leader or a strong supporter of a community network which has shared ideals. Certainly you will continue to have the friendships you have built in the past. However, your attention may be focused on more political goals.
Capricorn: Eclipse seasons are hard on the Crabs. This eclipse focuses a certain amount of intensity in both the arenas of career (work in the world) and also home, hearth and family. You have stretched your worldly boundaries in the past 18 months to serve a new group people. Family relationships of this 18 month saros cycle includes one loss and one gain.
Aquarius: Legal, ethical or educational issues are emphasized by this 18 MO series of Aries/Libra eclipses. Travel will be punctuated, whether it via of body, mind, or spirit. Exposure to those of different backgrounds or cultures opens your heart and expands your philosophy. A challenge concerning siblings, roommates, or neighbors may cause you to seek a Higher Road.
Pisces: This eclipse pattern emphasizes issues of sexuality, intimacy, and material accumulation. Reorganization of debt, investments and your estate may be in progress. You may become more conscious than usual about existential matters related to life, death, and what is on "the other side" of normal, waking consciousness.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointment (there is a charge). Blog: www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.