September 24 – 30, 2014

For All Signs: Cosmic energies favor new design of old or outmoded business or organizational systems. Financial or business pressures may be the motivator. It is time to update and modernize, especially if you are working with a method out of old habit. Constructive and fresh ideas will flow freely and you may wonder why a particular solution hasn't occurred to you before now. Globally we may see signs of new high tech inventions that could save lives.
Aries: See the lead paragraph as it particularly pertains to you. Green lights are particularly smiling on you in relation to romance, fun, play and travel for pleasure. You are in the mood for something fresh and exciting. High tech gadgets may be on your radar at this time.
Taurus: Your attention turns to personal healing, or diet. An exercise buddy may appear on the horizon. For some there will be an improvement in the everyday environment at work. A new person may enter your work arena who will be helpful and friendly.
Gemini: You may feel a compulsion to clean up files, closets, or other areas of detail. It is one way of organizing your mind. It is a good time to catalogue, classify, and coordinate details for your next project. Focus your attention on new habits that will support your physical body and strengthen your mind.
Cancer: This is a week to catch up on your reading and finish projects. October brings an eclipse season that is sometimes hard on your emotions. Get a massage, put your feet up, and claim some R&R time. Your life will speed up soon enough.
Leo: You have favorable aspects related to activities involving education, publishing, the Internet and travel. It is possible that you may be delayed by issues of aging property or needy people in your family. However, the good fortune will likely find you in spite of detours.
Virgo: Your ruling planet, Mercury, is changing signs to Scorpio. This represents a shift of attention from financial matters to focus on communications, neighbors, siblings, and others who are in your daily environment. You may need to consider the needs of your vehicle now. Give it a checkup and a detailing.
Libra: Venus enters your sign this week and will be traveling "with you" through Oct. 22. Her presence gives you an air of poise and beauty, and people will simply like how you look. Often when Venus is prominent we become more interested in art forms. We have a greater need and desire to be with others, or they with us.
Scorpio: Mercury moves into your sign on Sep. 27 and remains through Oct. 10. Then it turns retrograde for a few weeks. Do your research related to upcoming plans. However, do not spend a lot because of the retrograde. You may change your mind after you learn more details.
Sagittarius: Make note of the lead paragraph. You have multiple favorable aspects involving travel or distant relationships, education, publishing, and legal interests. All of that and great aspects concerning love life as well. What more can one ask? Enjoy!
Capricorn: You may be under pressure to follow through and display work that you have been doing since last fall. There is also a sense in which you have become bored with the project. Return mentally to the place you started in order to re-ignite your passion. This is not a time to quit.
Aquarius: You may feel some pressure to finish a long term project related to your career or life direction. Take heart. You will soon get there. Meanwhile there may be a new vehicle on the horizon for you. Your relationship to partner(s) is positive and fun at this time.
Pisces: It may seem to you as though almost everything is unsure, uncertain and up for grabs right now. This makes it challenging to make even relatively small decisions. Circumstances around you are not at all clear and it is better to leave all options open.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Blog: www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.