My View
• RINOs at work
• Local thrift
Now that primaries are over the Internet is loaded with claims and counter claims. Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Ducey is being assaulted by Democrats, which is expected, but now RINOs have joined the Democrats.

Guest Editorials:
America’s hopelessly corrupt political-media culture
The United States has dire problems at home and perilous threats from abroad, all of which are solvable, but not with the politicians who are now wielding the power and the journalists who are controlling the national dialogue, few of whom serve the interests of the country or tell the American people the truth.
BY Tom Toth | SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
Fascism in the First Amendment?
Mere hours after returning from summer recess, Harry Reid began prejudicially targeting his party's proverbial White Whale: The First Amendment.
By Dwight Kehoe of TPATH and Nicholas Purpura of Team NJ | SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
It is coming – Data, commentary and a warning
Many active supporters of the 2nd Amendment have spent endless hours gathering information on the benefits of an armed population. They have presented incalculable amounts of data which prove beyond any doubt that people are safer if law abiding citizens are not prevented from protecting themselves and their families from the many dregs of human debris which stalk our society.
A Q&A with Dr. Paul Kengor | SEPTEMBER 17, 2014
A high school curriculum that teaches the truth about communism
Vision & Values: Dr. Paul Kengor, you recently completed a curriculum that teaches high school students about communism—that is, an accurate portrayal of communism. Tell us about it.