September 17 – 23, 2014
For All Signs: There will be a lot of misinformation floating around in the media this week. Specific facts are unclear or misrepresented. We would all do well to double check any information that comes across the radar screen, especially so if it moves us to take some kind of action. This affects not only individuals but the globe at large. Take everything “with a grain of salt”, as the expression goes. Ask questions and clarify before taking any type of plunge.
Aries: This is a powerful time to consider your spiritual purposes. It is all too easy for the Maya, the things of the world, to overwhelm every waking minute, leaving no time for the higher goals. If you notice fatigue, disappointment, or depression at this time, stop. Be still and listen for the Voice deep within your soul. It is telling you what you need.
Taurus: You and a friend or a lover had an unpleasant encounter. Seek some space for a few days and come back when you have both had time to recover. Seek counsel from a trusted advisor and gain perspective. In a few days you will be better able to discuss things in a more understanding way.
Gemini: Concentrate carefully on any project requiring calculations and multiple plans. The probability of making an error or accessing inaccurate information is high. Communications may be confusing between you and a lover or an authority figure. If you have any sense at all that something is misunderstood, double check.
Cancer: Over the weekend you may be feeling mildly irritable or “out of sync” with your world. You need some time to be alone to process an experience in which you felt dismissed. After the weekend your spirit lifts and you will feel considerably better.
Leo: You may feel trapped in a situation that demands your time and attention. If you do it, you’ll be angry. If you don’t do it, you’ll feel guilty. Make an effort to find a win-win, though it could be hard. You do have some play aspects in your favor, so give your inner child a treat or two to reduce resentment.
Virgo: While shopping for practical needs, you may find what you want at a good price, well within reason. This item may prove to serve multiple purposes. Meanwhile you have an old issue, returning for review, which occurs within your relationship to partner or close contacts. Make an effort to avoid old knee-jerk reactions.
Libra: There is an old saying: "Don't believe everything you think." Take this one to heart this week. Your feelings and thoughts may be only projections of what you want to think or fear. You might identify a piece of information as a truth, when indeed it is merely your opinion.
Scorpio: Sometimes we are pressed to see the flaws, even in those things and people we love the most. You are not at fault in this situation, though you may be looking for what you "could-a, would-a, or should-a" done. You did the best you could at the time.
Sagittarius: It is possible you will be feeling angry and disappointed over a situation with a loved one. No matter how much you want someone to listen to you, sometimes they just have to do what they will. Mechanical objects are not cooperative right now. They may break down. There are better days to come.
Capricorn: You have favorable aspects coming from the 9th house of legal, educational, publishing, philosophy, travel and the Internet. Any steps you make now in these areas will be worthwhile and move you closer to your overall goals in life.
Aquarius: You may be feeling a conflict between following the practical “rules” versus taking a leap into the unknown outcome. This week it will work better for you if you stay within the accepted boundaries. Treading outside would be much more work than you imagine.
Pisces: This is a week in which your physical cycle is “off”. Don’t press your body beyond what it wants to do, just because it could do the same thing last week. Pay special attention to your temporary boundaries right now and by next week things will return to your personal normal.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments (there is a charge).