Retiring Drs. Amaro and Richel highly recommend Dr. Jay McFarlane to head Carefree Acupuncture

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jay mcfarlaneCAREFREE – Anyone living in the Desert Foothills has no doubt heard of Dr. John Amaro and his wife Dr. Debra Richel of Carefree Acupuncture & Chiropractic Clinic. Not only are they well-known in the community, they are world renowned, having taught and lectured around the globe. After many years in practice, Amaro and Richel have decided to share their knowledge through the countless speaking engagements they’ve been asked to give. They wanted to leave the practice in good hands and have chosen Dr. Jay McFarlane (r) and his wife and occupational therapist Laurie McFarlane.

Jay, a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, Fellow International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture, Certified Nike Golf NG360 Performance Specialist, said what an honor it was to be chosen by Drs. Amaro and Richel. Dr. McFarlane is “a wonderful, warm, personable, knowledgeable and compassionate healer and a much sought-after doctor,” offers Dr. Richel.

Despite taking over Carefree Acupuncture in early July, the McFarlanes have found themselves keeping busy. Given such high recommendations, all the patients have stayed, some taking advantage of McFarlane’s office at 11030 N. Tatum Blvd. #102. One patient flew in from Texas and was so impressed he subsequently referred five friends! That alone might be reason enough to schedule an appointment to see how your overall wellness can be improved!

McFarlane’s journey to medicine grew from his own injury during his hockey career, though one needs no sports injury to benefit from acupuncture and/or chiropractic care. (For needle-phobic folks, there’s even laser acupuncture!) Of course those therapies may be instrumental in healing a wrenched back or twisted knee but patients have also reported improvement with hot flashes, Parkinson’s, MS, TMJ, strokes, even addiction control with acupuncture.

More details may be found at or call 480-488-9647 for an appointment (Tues or Thurs 8-12, 2-6).