AUGUST 13, 2014

DAR’s Summer Festival

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asdar summer fest ASDAR Summer Fest GCC members:  Seated from left: Ann Curry, chapter treasurer; Jean Howell, Town of Paradise Valley resident and honorary chapter regent; Suzanne Young, personal page to the state DAR regent; Standing, from left: Katie Paulsen, honorary chapter regent; Carmen Wendt, chapter recording secretary; Betty Heenan, chapter American History Essay chairman; Marjorie Collins, chapter chaplain; Kathy Shields, chapter regent; Kandy Wagenbach, honorary chapter regent; Stephanie Troth, honorary state DAR regent and honorary chapter regent; and Terri Mott, state DAR vice regent and honorary chapter regent.

Scottsdale-chartered Grand Canyon Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was represented at the state DAR society’s Summer Festival held at the Windemere Hotel, Mesa, August 8-9.  The Festival is held at the start of each new state administration to introduce new officers and to inform members of current state-wide goals and activities.

In attendance from Grand Canyon chapter were Kathy Shields, chapter regent; Katie Paulsen, chapter honorary regent; Jean Howell, chapter honorary regent; Kandy Wagenbach, chapter honorary regent; Terri Mott, Arizona State DAR vice regent and chapter honorary regent; Stephanie Troth, Arizona State DAR honorary regent and chapter honorary regent; Marjorie Collins, chapter chaplain; Carmen Wendt, chapter recording secretary; Ann Curry, chapter treasurer, Suzanne Young, personal page to the State DAR regent; and Betty Heenan, chapter American History chairman.

Among the Festival highlights was the Arizona Juniors’ sales table.  The primary focus of Arizona DAR Juniors is to fund the attendance of the state Outstanding Junior at National DAR Continental Congress in Washington, D.C.  A Junior is a DAR member age 18 through 35 years of age.  She holds full DAR membership, and when qualified, may serve as an officer and chair at the national, state, and chapter levels. Grand Canyon chapter honorary regent, Katie Paulsen, was Arizona state Outstanding Junior and national finalist in 2012.

asdar junior tableDAR is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, historic preservation and education.  It is open to any woman 18 years or older regardless of race, religion or ethnicity who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution.  To learn more about DAR and Grand Canyon chapter visit and

The next meetings of Grand Canyon chapter are Sept. 6 and Oct. 4.  Guests are welcome.  For reservations contact regent Kathy Shields at 602-820-5427 or [email protected].  

Photo: Marjorie Collins, left, and Katie Paulsen, Arizona State DAR Outstanding Junior 2012, at the State DAR Summer Festival Juniors’ table.