JULY 23, 2014
Scottsdale General Plan Update

This is the seventh in a series of updates distributed as a part of the Scottsdale General Plan public participation process. This update includes an overview of the General Plan Task Force, events and other process news.
Introducing A New Name: Scottsdale General Plan 2035 (SGP 2035)
With the City Council's action in July 2014 to lengthen the General Plan process until November 2016, the Scottsdale General Plan 2014 title seemed confusing and inaccurate. Many cities title their General Plans using a future date based on its economic and land use forecast.
To reduce confusion and reflect Scottsdale's land use and economic forecast expiration date of 2035, the General Plan is now called "Scottsdale General Plan 2035."
SGP 2035 - A Brief Overview
SGP 2035 is a state-mandated update to Scottsdale’s General Plan - a document that guides how the city will evolve over the next 20 years. It is a process that will be accomplished with extensive opportunities for community participation and involvement.
Scottsdale was one of the first Arizona cities to create a General Plan to guide its physical development. Today, all Arizona cities are required by state law to have a General Plan. The current General Plan was ratified by voters in 2002. State law requires that cities the size of Scottsdale update their plans and send them to the voters for ratification every ten years.
Scottsdale’s last attempt to update the General Plan, in 2012, was not ratified by the voters. Subsequently, the 2001 General Plan remains in effect until a new General Plan is adopted and ratified.
SGP 2035 Upcoming Events and Input Opportunities
The Task Force released their second draft of General Plan 2035 on June 27, 2014.
June 27 - October 10, 2014
Look in the draft plan: review and comment on the second draft of General Plan 2035 on the city's website. The Task Force will review and consider all submitted comments.
General Plan Task Force Fall 2014 Schedule
All meetings are open to the public and begin at 5:30 pm at the Community Design Studio, 7506 E Indian School Road
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
General Plan Task Force
The General Plan Task Force was appointed by the City Council on May 14, 2013, to create a recommended draft General Plan to the Planning Commission and City Council. The Task Force is a 17-member body consisting of one chair, one vice-chair, and 15 task force members.
Task Force Members: Wendy Springborn, Chair; Timothy P. Burns, Vice-Chair; Phil Allsopp; Kathe Barnes; Mike Bergfeldt; Nancy Cantor; Dawn Cartier; Joe Galli; Troy Gillenwater; Donna Hardin; John Hink; Rick Kidder; Loren Molever; Jude Nau; Suzanne Paetzer; Doreen Reinke; Laraine Rodgers
Task Force Progress on the draft General Plan
Since the last edition of this newsletter, the Task Force has:
• Completed its first draft of the General Plan update
• Hosted three open houses and placed the draft plan on the website to get feedback from the community
• Participated in staff presentations to city board and commissions to gather input on the draft plan
• Reviewed and discussed all citizen, community group, board, commission, and City • Council comments for inclusion in the second draft plan
• Edited, refined, and created a second draft General Plan
• Placed the second draft General Plan on the city's website for community review and comments from July - October 2014.
General Plan Process Extended to 2016
In March 2014, the City Council directed the Task Force to consider options that would allow more time for community review and comment on the draft plan. In June 2014, the Task Force recommended lengthening the General Plan process to 2016, thereby providing a more "robust public outreach process" and extended community comment period.
The City Council agreed with the Task Force recommendations and suggested that an updated General Plan be targeted for voter consideration at the November 2016 election.
The Task Force Wants to Hear From You!
Here’s how you can provide input to the Task Force:
Attend a meeting! Get the latest agenda
Review and respond to completed drafts
Stay Informed
It’s your city; it’s your plan, it’s your future…
For up-to-date SGP 2035 information, or to arrange a presentation or meeting with staff, call 480-312-3111, email us, or visit the General Plan website.