JULY 16, 2014
Desert Foothills Theater presents “Cabaret Night: Sentimental Journey”
T.A. Burrows and Kat Bailes to fill the night with music; Sun., July 20 at Venues Cafe
CAREFREE – Back by popular demand, Desert Foothills Theater (DFT), a division of the Foothills Community Foundation, presents “Cabaret Night: Sentimental Journey” on Sunday, July 20 featuring the dynamic duo, T.A. Burrows and Kat Bailes.
JULY 16, 2014
Explore nocturnal wildlife with AGF biologists
PHOENIX – Did you know that Arizona is home to over 60 species of scorpions, including the most dangerous species in the United States, the bark scorpion?

JULY 16, 2014
Mountain Lion "captured"
At Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area there is a motion-activated trail camera focused on the “Solar Oasis” (along the Metate Trail) to monitor wildlife. A mountain lion visited the pond for a drink on July 4. The entire Spur Cross “Critter Cam” album can be seen by visiting facebook.com/SpurCrossRanchConservationArea.
JULY 16, 2014
Xenoestrogens: Eliminating endocrine-disrupting chemicals key to resolving mystery illnesses
KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA – In her early 20s, Zero Xeno founder Bonnie Penner began to suffer from ovarian cysts, heavy bleeding, and a variety of other disorders. She visited countless specialists.