My View

Coyote raving
The voting public of Cave Creek are commended for doing their part in the process of a recall by signing petitions. Now it will have to be done again, thanks to the gutless use of attorneys by the slate so they didn't have to face voters.
So petition forms will be gathered again, due principally to Adam Trenk’s and Kerry Smith’s interference with the rights of citizens to vote. I would think ASU, which employs Smith to the tune of over $300,000, would worry about paying that outrageous amount of taxpayer money so he can interfere with the election process.
There will be petitions for all four slate council members, Adam Trenk, Mike Durkin, Reg Monachino and Charles Spitzer.
Dennis Driscoll who had a petition signature gathering table between Parkway Bank and the post office will again be collecting signatures. He can be reached at 480-595-1471 and will arrange to meet you or come to your home. Sign again and make your voice be heard. Driscoll had a perfect score since none of his petitions were thrown out. There are at least 10 volunteers who will be going home to home. Please watch for them. Sonoran News has forms in our lobby at 6702 E. Cave Creek Road, in the True West Building.
Lets review the past struggles in Cave Creek. Trenk and his attorney Tim LaSota have been busy in the courts. Trenk was taken to court since the word was out that he didn't live here and therefore couldn't be a candidate for council. The judge ruled that since he had an intent to live here, he was qualified. Did LaSota judge shop? Maybe? In any case that was a violation of the town code.
On the subject of where he lives, Trenk has refused to give the town an address. He refused to answer in court when Susan Clancy asked if he signed a petition using James Gandolfini's name. Like Lois Leaner of IRS fame, he pled the Fifth Amendment.
Then LaSota went to court to prevent Dick Esser from running against the slate and got him removed. Otherwise it was doubtful the slate would have won the majority of council seats.
Trenk, in fear of allowing the public to vote, went court to protect himself and got himself and Monachino off the recall ballot.
How? Not having an attorney to guide them, the PAC didn't know about an appeals court ruling out of Tucson (where else?) that allowed the Trenkster and Monachino to remove themselves from the recall ballot. The judge said he didn't necessarily agree but a higher court ruling has to be followed. Another judge followed the same appeal, thanks to ASU professor Kerry Smith, and let Durkin and Spitzer off the ballot. Both court decisions were highly appealable but the PAC didn't have the financial resources to hire an election expert attorney. This brings up another point. Generous contributions are needed by the Cave Creek Caring Citizens PAC to hire a qualified attorney to defend the voters against the slate's attorney. Parkway Bank can accept PAC donations to account number 40357-1. Protect your voting rights!
Now that petitions must be gathered again, the November election may or may not happen so it could be a March 2015 election. In any case the slate, much like one of their benefactors, may appeal and appeal again to extend the election date – another reason the PAC needs an able attorney.
Recently Cave Creek mailed their glossy propaganda newsletter, the Cave Creek Coyote, which featured Mayor Vincent Francia, Vice Mayor Trenk, Councilmen Mike Durkin, Thomas McGuire, Reg Monachino and David Prinzhorn, Utilities Manager. Oh, and Town Manager Peter Jankowski was granted a half page, Mayor, Vice Mayor and Utilities Manager a full page and everyone else a half page. To his credit and common sense Councilman Ernie Bunch must have had better things to do and didn't submit an article.
If you submit a public records request, your request may be sent to Town Attorney Fredda Bisman for legal review which adds time to honoring your request. In some cases, such as Sonoran News, you may never get what you have requested. Apparently the Coyote gets no editing or review of any kind.
Trenk, as usual, magnified the council's miniscule accomplishments – typically taking credit for the past administration’s accomplishments.
Then he writes, "Regrettably, as part of the local paper's routine to fuel discontent and promote a toxic recall in hope of reinstating its influence, much of the progress has been unreported."
We are denied political discourse since this piece of garbage, masquerading as an information piece and written on town time and paid for by tax dollars, simply arrives in the mail. It is illegal, and at least one angry citizen will send his political statement to the proper authorities. If he thinks using the term "local paper" rather than Sonoran News protects him, it doesn't. Everyone knows Sonoran News is the local paper.
The Trenkster finishes his blab by suggesting people should watch them increase efficiencies, reduce costs etc. Like spending about $200,000 for his buddy Interim Town Manager Rodney Glassman, $80,000 on road maintenance software, $20,000 on two stainless steel horses bracing our town and potentially $3 million for a lawsuit against the town by the former town manager. Trenk asserted in writing to a citizen Abujbarah would never sue. Where did he get his law degree?
Trenk, a sitting councilman and Vice Mayor, in his own admission in court, violated the law by writing in the name of a dead actor on an official recall petition and then bragged about it on Facebook. That too is wending its way to the County Attorney, a class one misdemeanor. Let’s see if his attorney Tim LaSota gets him out of this one. Don't ask why he doesn't act as his own attorney because it is obvious, but can you imagine him defending his equestrian clients’ interests in court? Well I suppose he could pass real legal work to LaSota.