Feature Articles
JUNE 4, 2014
Triple R Horse Rescue to host Second Annual Hope for Horses Gala
CAVE CREEK – Triple R Horse Rescue announced today that the 2nd Annual Hope for Horses Gala will take place on October 11, 2014 at the Carefree Resort and Conference Center.
Pet of the Week: Simba
Snakebites are over the top this season, but “Your Neighborhood Vet” ALWAYS has
Anti-venom in stock!
The Cave Creek/Carefree area is the home of some of the most venomous snakes in North America, including Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes and Mohave Rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes are territorial and hibernate during the winter. As the weather warms, they come out to gather heat from the sun. During the hottest months of the summer, they hide under brush, wood, and rocks to escape the heat of the day and become more active during the mornings and evenings. It has been very busy this year with an excess of rattlesnake bites and attacks on pets. In fact, at Animal Health Services we see so many snake bite patients in our urgent care that we have pledged to always have rattlesnake antivenin in stock!
Sock it to us!
According to research quoted in a recent Wall Street Journal story, men are now out-spending women on apparel, with a large share of the spending being devoted to men's socks. Attributable, it seems, to promotional ads, by Ralph Lauren, Nike and others as one way to increase profit from clothing sales by "dressing up the feet."
BOOK NOOK | APRIL 30, 2014
Former Cave Creek resident authors second book
Stephen Morris, a former resident of Cave Creek (and a former editor of Sonoran News 1995) has published his second book with Amazon. Titled “Methuselah’s Memoirs” the book is a fictional account of a family that lived in the times just before the great flood predicted by Noah.