Freedom's just another word ... to lose
Back in the 60s Janis Joplin belted out the really maudlin ballad, Me and Bobby McGee, as an expression of futility. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose," was a sadly delusional misconception leading inevitably to the conviction that if you have nothing, then you have nothing left to lose. With nothing to lose, there is no individual responsibility, let someone else take on that role – I don't care because I'm free. It's incredibly coincidental that that mentality is the formula of today's meaningless but subtle political articulation the radical left in the U.S. uses to undermine individual responsibility and subliminally corrupt ignorant and low information voters into thinking that Obama's version of Social Justice is free, fair and the democratic path to equality.
But it's not free – it's just a new song that really means, "Freedom's just another word on the list of things the left will help you lose." Their version of Social Justice is a lie to rig American thought processes to believe false premises based on Marxist/Socialist ideology that has historically wrecked societies too dumb to dispute them. Social Justice newly packaged is the same old garbage from the Soviet Union where it failed miserably. The new version is wrapped in noble sounding lies, like Obamacare, redistribution of wealth, soak the evil rich, tax businesses and people who create wealth. This leads to one inevitable conclusion, as it did in Russia – the creation of a new class of government bureaucrats who will manipulate the rule of law to enrich themselves as the new ruling elite. Hello RussiaUSA!
An amazing woman, Svetlana Kunin, who grew up in Russia and fled to America in 1980, has produced a startling series of articles exposing how conspicuously the American left's version of Social Justice replicates the same versions that failed so miserably in Russia. Her work is available at Investors Business Daily (ibdeditorials.com) under Perspectives of a Russian Immigrant, and are frightening prologues for Americans.
Some brief but revealing samples: she cites the example of an influential Russian poet idealist seduced by the rhetoric, who wrote glowingly of the early revolutionary calls for "equality," "fairness," and "social justice." (Sound familiar?) Within two years he was disillusioned and pleading for "freedom." Her conclusion on the Soviet experiment, "By the end of the 1980s, Soviets under the glowing promises had descended into poverty, alcoholism and hopelessness" and a monumental societal collapse. She can only speculate on the consequences of the Democratic Party's perennial political pursuit of the same repressive agenda: "equality," "fairness," "common good" and "social justice." She shared some of the subtle, bitterly humorous jokes of ordinary Russians:
+ People who don't succeed in life [are the only ones who] demand to forbid, confiscate and redistribute.
+ If a federal organization is not corrupt – nobody needs it.
+ Government works very well; people are miserable because they don't work in the government.
+ Central government guarantees that all people earn a "sustainable living minimum" – that is a scientific calculation of peoples' needs that allows government rulers to have a good life.
We'll have more from Svetlana but every voter in America, even the dead ones, should read IBD's web site.