My View
Marla's birthday
Hubris is the vice mayor
Early announcement: Marla McGee will celebrate her 60th birthday party at the Tap Haus at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 10. Marla is currently the store manager at one of the Ross stores in Phoenix but has had a busy background in Cave Creek. She was the owner of the Buffalo Chip Saloon, Co-owner of the Lazy Lizard, the president of the local chamber of commerce, the founder and inventor of Wild West Days and a salesperson for Sonoran News.
She also is the daughter of the well-known late Green Bay Packers legend Max McGee.
After discussions with locals she has decided to broaden the birthday celebration and make it an annual event called Cave Creek Reunion. She invites Creekers to bring pictures, albums, etc. to the event to share with attendees.
See you there!
The grit has hit the road!
It is no surprise Adam Trenk is challenging the petitions which were gathered to vote him and his slate out of office. After all, having been schooled in New Jersey politics he knows how to disrupt the process.
In my mind he wasn't qualified to run for council because he didn't live here. But a friendly judge likely located by Trenk's attorney, Tim LaSota, ruled he could run because he had an “intent" to live here. That decision is contrary to state and local law that a candidate needs to live here for a year to be eligible. The decision should have been appealed but the plaintiff backed off. If you haven't noticed, Trenk is a carpet bagger. In the two elections in which he ran, his family contributed about 90 percent of his campaign finances – about $50,000. Clearly he wants a springboard to launch his political career, which is probably Congress.
Check the fact that Daddy sits at council meetings beside Bruce Arlen. Arlen was the only citizen to stand up and defend my neighbor Gerald Freeman, who is suing the town to prevent a horse trail. Fifteen people spoke before Arlen in support of the trail. Granddaddy contributed at least $5,000, possibly more, to a dissident. So Adam baby is the favorite of the Trenks and obviously he is the apple of their eyes.
This kind of treatment has created a monster loaded with hubris and selfies. Ever see his preening on Facebook? "Hubris (hu·bris), also hybris, means extreme haughtiness, pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power."
Does that describe the Trenk we know? Yes, and it also describes Obama and Sen. John McCain. Is it a surprise to you that Trenk attended a fundraiser for McCain? After all, McCain endorsed Trenk for council here. Both are Republicans in name only, RINOs. Who else but Trenk would lead a slate parade to unceremoniously fire the best town manager in the town's history? Then, full of hubris, sent an email to John Hoeppner asserting Abujbarah would not sue.
Well he did sue – for three million dollars – and the town has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees with no end in sight. Hubris and the taint of Jersey politics.
Trenk has already voted in favor of his friend T.C. Thorstenson's business, Hogs ‘N Horses, even though he had a business relationship with Thorstenson, a clear conflict of interest. Breaking with tradition and the town code, he is interfacing with town staff directly to amend ordinances favorable to himself and family, also conflicts of interest.
If Abujbarah were still town manager, Trenk would be denied access to town staff. The question arises; where is the new Town Manager Peter Jankowski and has he read and understood the ordinances that guide the town? Does he remember what he read? How was he trained? By know-nothing former Interim Town Manager Rodney Glassman? Where the hell is the mayor to object to obvious conflicts of interest? Where are Councilmen Ernie Bunch and Thomas McGuire? Rolling their eyes is not enough. One would think that even slate members, if they know what they are doing, would speak up as fiduciaries.