Jean Glass strikes back with counter claim
‘Shortly thereafter, Ms. Glass broke off her relationship with Mr. Hussey and offered to return $100,000 of the $125,000 …’

CAVE CREEK – Last week, Jean Glass (r) filed not only a response to David Hussey’s complaint in an attempt to retrieve the $125,000 he claimed she bilked him out of under false pretences, she filed a counter claim against Hussey.
Glass contends that during her former romantic relationship with Hussey, she provided him with over $100,000 for living expenses.
She then claims when Hussey gave her the $125,000 in January he “verbally told Ms. Glass that he was giving her at least $70,000 of the funds as a gift for repayment of the monies that Ms. Glass had previously provided to Mr. Hussey,” and alleges he told her to hold the remaining $55,000 “so as to ensure that he would not spend the monies and keep such funds from his creditors.”
However, Glass goes on to state, “Shortly thereafter, Ms. Glass broke off her relationship with Mr. Hussey and offered to return $100,000 of the $125,000 and keep $25,000 of the funds per Mr. Hussey’s prior instructions that a majority of the funds were a gift to Ms. Glass for repayment of funds previously provided by Ms. Glass …”
The response also states Hussey (r) refused to accept the return of the funds, “and instead, set out on a campaign to defame, harass and cause unnecessary emotional distress to Ms. Glass.”
Glass contends Hussey began stalking and harassing her and “her current significant other, William Bonnamy” and, with the help of his ex-wife Joanne Eannacone, filed a “false and fraudulent complaint with the Arizona Department of Real Estate” alleging Glass had violated various laws and regulations related to her real estate license.
She said Hussey, Eannacone and his ex-girlfriend Marianne “Mimi” Kelley sent defamatory emails and other communications to civic organizations in the Cave Creek area where Glass serves in an attempt to damage her reputation and cause her emotional harm.
Glass suddenly resigned from her post as treasurer of the Cave Creek Merchants and Events association shortly after being served with Hussey’s lawsuit.
Glass raises more questions than answers with her response.
For example, why would she attempt to return $100,000 to Hussey but say he was gifting her $75,000 “to pay her back” and asked her to hold $55,000 for him?
Hussey claims he gave Glass the money so they could build a house together but instead, Glass purchased the lot he located on Military Road in her name only, broke up with Hussey and now refuses to return the money.
Hussey says, in hindsight, he believes she never had any intention of building a house with him and only pretended to enter into an agreement with him in order bilk him out of $125,000, proceeds he received from selling his deceased parents' home.
Glass says Hussey’s “false complaint” was filed with the ulterior motive of harassing her and damaging her professional reputation.
Hussey says he filed the complaint because MCSO would not take a theft report and said he would need to file a civil complaint in superior court.
He also stated he would have done nothing to “damage” Glass’ reputation if she had returned the entire $125,000 as she indicated she would do.
Hussey says he too is suffering from emotional distress over being ripped off by Glass for $125,000.
It looks like a he said/she said that will have to play out in court.